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This module implements the NFT contract for the MintGate marketplace. The MintGate marketplace consists of two main entities:

  • Collectibles
  • Tokens

A Collectible represents a content that a creator wants to tokenize. A Token represents a copy of a given Collectible.

In addition, this contract implements the following NFT standards:

Methods for NftContract

🚀 init (constructor)

init: { admin_id: ValidAccountId, metadata: NFTContractMetadata, min_royalty: Fraction, max_royalty: Fraction, mintgate_fee: Fraction, mintgate_fee_account_id: ValidAccountId };

Initializes the contract. This contract methods needs to be explicitely called since the default construction of the contract will panic.

  • admin_id is the valid account that is allowed to perform certain operations.
  • metadata represents the general information of the contract.
  • min_royalty and max_royalty indicates what must be the max and min royalty respectively when creating a collectible.
  • mintgate_fee is the percetange to be paid to mintgate_fee_account_id for each sale.

✍️ create_collectible

create_collectible(args: { creator_id: ValidAccountId, gate_id: ValidGateId, title: string, description: string, supply: number, royalty: Fraction, media: string|null, media_hash: string|null, reference: string|null, reference_hash: string|null }, gas?: any): Promise<void>;

Creates a new Collectible, identified by gate_id. The supply indicates maximum supply for this collectible. The royalty indicates the royalty (as percentage) paid to the creator (predecessor_account_id). This royalty is paid when any Token is being resold in any marketplace.

The sum of royalty and mintgate_fee should be less than 1. Panics otherwise. This is to be able to make payouts all participants.

See epam/mintgate#3.

👓 get_collectible_by_gate_id

get_collectible_by_gate_id(args: { gate_id: ValidGateId }): Promise<Collectible|null>;

Returns the Collectible with the given gate_id. Panics otherwise.

See epam/mintgate#16.

👓 get_collectibles_by_creator

get_collectibles_by_creator(args: { creator_id: ValidAccountId }): Promise<Collectible[]>;

Returns all Collectibles created by creator_id.

See epam/mintgate#15.

✍️ delete_collectible

delete_collectible(args: { gate_id: ValidGateId }, gas?: any): Promise<void>;

Deletes the given Collectible by gate_id. The collectible can only be deleted if there are no minted tokens. Moreover, only the creator_id of the collectible or the contract admin_id are allowed to delete the collectible.

✍️ claim_token

claim_token(args: { gate_id: ValidGateId }, gas?: any): Promise<TokenId>;

Claims a Token for the Collectible indicated by gate_id. The claim is on behalf the predecessor_account_id. Returns a TokenId that represents this claim. If the given gate_id has exhausted its supply, this call will panic.

See epam/mintgate#6.

✍️ burn_token

burn_token(args: { token_id: TokenId }, gas?: any): Promise<void>;

Burns (deletes) the Token identifed by token_id. Only the owner_id can burn the token.

After succefully delete the token, a cross-contract call is made to nft_on_revoke for each approval to delist from their marketplaces.

👓 get_tokens_by_owner

get_tokens_by_owner(args: { owner_id: ValidAccountId }): Promise<Token[]>;

Returns all Tokens owned by owner_id.

👓 get_tokens_by_owner_and_gate_id

get_tokens_by_owner_and_gate_id(args: { gate_id: ValidGateId, owner_id: ValidAccountId }): Promise<Token[]>;

Returns all tokens claimed by owner_id belonging to gate_id.

See epam/mintgate#14.

✍️ batch_approve

batch_approve(args: { tokens: [TokenId, U128][], account_id: ValidAccountId }, gas?: any): Promise<void>;

Approves a batch of tokens, similar to nft_approve. Each approval contains the TokenId to approve and the minimum price to sell the token for. account_id indicates the market account contract where list these tokens.

Methods for NonFungibleTokenCore interface

✍️ nft_transfer

nft_transfer(args: { receiver_id: ValidAccountId, token_id: TokenId, enforce_approval_id: U64|null, memo: string|null }, gas?: any): Promise<void>;

Transfer the token token_id to the receiver_id account.

See epam/mintgate#18.

👓 nft_payout

nft_payout(args: { token_id: TokenId, balance: U128 }): Promise<Payout>;

Query whom to be paid out for a given token_id, derived from some balance. For example, given the following settings for the NFT contract and collectible gate_id:

  • mintgate_fee: 25/1000 (2.5%)
  • royalty: 30/100 (30%)

Then nft_payout(token_id, 5_000_000) will return

  • mintgate_fee_account_id -> 125_000
  • collectible.creator_id -> 3_375_000
  • token.owner_id -> 1_500_000

for any token_id claimed from gate_id.

This is part of an ongoing (yet not settled) NEP spec:

✍️ nft_transfer_payout

nft_transfer_payout(args: { receiver_id: ValidAccountId, token_id: TokenId, approval_id: U64|null, memo: string|null, balance: U128|null }, gas?: any): Promise<Payout|null>;

Attempts to transfer the token. Afterwards returns the payout data. Effectively it is calling nft_transfer followed by nft_payout.

This is part of an ongoing (yet not settled) NEP spec:

👓 nft_token

nft_token(args: { token_id: TokenId }): Promise<Token|null>;

Returns the token identified by token_id. Or null if the token_id was not found.

See epam/mintgate#17.

Methods for NonFungibleTokenMetadata interface

👓 nft_metadata

nft_metadata(): Promise<NFTContractMetadata>;

Returns the NFT metadata for this contract.

Methods for NonFungibleTokenApprovalMgmt interface

✍️ nft_approve

nft_approve(args: { token_id: TokenId, account_id: ValidAccountId, msg: string|null }, gas?: any): Promise<void>;

Allows account_id to transfer token_id on behalf of its owner. The msg argument allows the caller to pass into additional information. A contract implementing the nft_on_approve methods must be deployed into account_id.

✍️ nft_revoke

nft_revoke(args: { token_id: TokenId, account_id: ValidAccountId }, gas?: any): Promise<void>;

Revokes approval for token_id from account_id.

✍️ nft_revoke_all

nft_revoke_all(args: { token_id: TokenId }, gas?: any): Promise<void>;

Revokes all approval for token_id.

Methods for NonFungibleTokenEnumeration interface

👓 nft_total_supply

nft_total_supply(): Promise<U64>;

Returns the total token supply.

👓 nft_tokens

nft_tokens(args: { from_index: U64|null, limit: number|null }): Promise<Token[]>;

Returns all or paginated Tokens minted by this contract. Pagination is given by:

  • from_index the index to start fetching tokens.
  • limit indicates how many tokens will be at most returned.

👓 nft_supply_for_owner

nft_supply_for_owner(args: { account_id: ValidAccountId }): Promise<U64>;

Returns how many Tokens are owned by account_id.

👓 nft_tokens_for_owner

nft_tokens_for_owner(args: { account_id: ValidAccountId, from_index: U64|null, limit: number|null }): Promise<Token[]>;

Returns all or paginated Tokens owned by account_id. Pagination is given by:

  • from_index the index to start fetching tokens.
  • limit indicates how many tokens will be at most returned.

👓 nft_token_uri

nft_token_uri(args: { token_id: TokenId }): Promise<string|null>;

Gets the URI for the given token_id. The uri combines the base_uri from the contract metadata and the gate_id from the token.


  • 🚀 Initialization method. Needs to be called right after deployment.
  • 👓 View only method, i.e., does not modify the contract state.
  • ✍️ Call method, i.e., does modify the contract state.
  • Ⓝ Payable method, i.e., call needs to have an attached NEAR deposit.

This documentation was generated with near-syn v0.3.0 on 2021-05-03 08:06:39.461517 UTC