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File metadata and controls

220 lines (169 loc) · 9.58 KB

Parse JSON


In our last example we made an HTTPS request against the GitHub API with Node and Rust. That worked fine, but we got back a raw string as JSON. Not very usefull. This time we'll learn how to parse the JSON and extract the information we need. For this example we'll request the repositories of a specific GitHub user and we'll log the name and description of the repository and if it was forked.

Our Node example doesn't need to change much to achieve that:

import { get } from 'https';

const host = '';
-const path = '/users/donaldpipowitch';
+const path = '/users/donaldpipowitch/repos';

function isClientError(statusCode: number) {
  return statusCode >= 400 && statusCode < 500;

function isServerError(statusCode: number) {
  return statusCode >= 500;

const headers = {
  'User-Agent': 'Mercateo/rust-for-node-developers'

+type Repository = {
+  name: string;
+  description: string | null;
+  fork: boolean;

get({ host, path, headers }, (res) => {
  let buf = '';
  res.on('data', (chunk) => (buf = buf + chunk));

  res.on('end', () => {
-    console.log(`Response: ${buf}`);

    if (isClientError(res.statusCode)) {
      throw `Got client error: ${res.statusCode}`;
    if (isServerError(res.statusCode)) {
      throw `Got server error: ${res.statusCode}`;

+    const repositories: Repository[] = JSON.parse(buf).map(
+      ({ name, description, fork }) => ({ name, description, fork })
+    );
+    console.log('Result is:\n', repositories);
}).on('error', (err) => {
  throw `Couldn't send request.`;

Our raw response which is stored in buf can be easily parsed with the global JSON object and its parse method. After that we map over the returned array to extract just the name, description and fork fields. (The actual response has much more data!) Note that we only assume that JSON.parse(buf) returns an array. We are optimistic here, because we think we know the GitHub API, but to be really safe, we should check if our parsed response actually is an array. We assume that name, description and fork exist and are strings, booleans or maybe null in case of the description, too! Again this is somehow optimistic. GitHub could send us different data. It is up to you as a developer to decide how many safety checks you want to make here. Is this a critical part of your application? How much do you trust GitHub and their API contract?

We also added a type called Repository to describe our response format. The parsed response has the type Repository[] (which means it is an array containing Repository's and can also be written as Array<Repository>) and is saved in repositories. It is not mandatory to tell TypeScript the type of repositories in this case, but it would make further usage of repositories easier and safer, because TypeScript would check incorrect usage of repositories now. Without adding the type explicitly TypeScript would default to treat respositories as any which would result in doing no type checks at all when we use repositories.

For the scope of this example it is sufficient not do more runtime checks. Let us test our program:

$ npm run -s start
Result is:
 [ { name: 'afpre',
    description: ' CLI for the AWS Federation Proxy',
    fork: true },
  { name: 'ajv',
    description: 'The fastest JSON schema Validator. Supports v5 proposals',
    fork: true },

It works! Nothing complicated and you probably have done this a thousand times, if you use APIs regularly.


The state of art way of deserializing a string to JSON is by using the serde and serde_json crates.

Add all three crates to your Cargo.toml:

-name = "http-requests"
+name = "parse-json"
version = "1.0.0"
publish = false

hyper = "0.12.21"
hyper-tls = "0.3.1"
+serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
+serde_json = "1.0"

What you see here is the possibility to configure a single crate within the Cargo.toml. In this case we enabled a feature called derive for serde which isn't enabled by default. This allows us to automatically deserialize a JSON string into a custom struct.

We do this with a language construct called attributes. Attributes change the meaning of an item to which they are applied. An item can be a struct declaration for example. They are written as #[test] or #![test]. #[test] would be applied to the next item and #![test] would be applied to the enclosing item. E.g.:

struct SomeStruct;

fn some_function() {

We can pass additional data to attributes (#[inline(always)]) or keys and values (#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]).

The attribute we are interested in is called derive. It automatically implements certain traits to a custom data structure (in this case a struct). The trait we want to derive is called Deserialize from the serde crate. We'll also derive the build-in Debug trait, so we can println! our struct. A custom struct can be created with the struct keyword. In our case it has three fields: name (which is a string), fork (which is a bool) and description (which maybe is a string). To express a potentially unavailable value we can use Option. Option is a little bit like Result in the sense that it shows two possible outcomes: Result has the successful (Ok) and failured (Err) cases while Option either has no value (the None case) or it has a value (the Some case).

Having that said this is how we define our custom struct called Repository:

#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct Repository {
    name: String,
    description: Option<String>,
    fork: bool,

Let's add that to the example from the previous chapter and also parse our string:

use hyper::rt::{run, Future, Stream};
use hyper::{Client, Request};
use hyper_tls::HttpsConnector;
+use serde::Deserialize;
use std::str::from_utf8;

+#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
+struct Repository {
+    name: String,
+    description: Option<String>,
+    fork: bool,

fn main() {

fn get() -> impl Future<Item = (), Error = ()> {
    // 4 is number of blocking DNS threads
    let https = HttpsConnector::new(4).unwrap();

    let client = Client::builder().build(https);

-    let req = Request::get("")
+    let req = Request::get("")
        .header("User-Agent", "Mercateo/rust-for-node-developers")

        .and_then(|res| {
            let status = res.status();

-            let buf = res.into_body().concat2().wait().unwrap();
-            println!("Response: {}", from_utf8(&buf).unwrap());

            if status.is_client_error() {
                panic!("Got client error: {}", status.as_u16());
            if status.is_server_error() {
                panic!("Got server error: {}", status.as_u16());

+            let buf = res.into_body().concat2().wait().unwrap();
+            let json = from_utf8(&buf).unwrap();
+            let repositories: Vec<Repository> = serde_json::from_str(&json).unwrap();
+            println!("Result is:\n{:#?}", repositories);

        .map_err(|_err| panic!("Couldn't send request."))

Two new things can be seen here.

We used the Vec type here, because we get multiple Repository's from the response. (Remember that we already used the vec! macro in a previous chapter, which created a Vec.)

The other new thing is the usage of {:#?} inside println!. So far when we logged a value we used the println! macro like this: println!("Log: {}", some_value);. To do that some_value actually needs to implement the Display trait. Coming from a JavaScript background you can think of implementing the Display trait as providing a nicely formatted toString on custom data structures. Sadly Display can't be derived automatically. But when all fields in a struct implement Debug, we can derive it automatically for custom structs. That's why we use it here. It is an easy way to log custom structs. The usage with println! is just a little bit different. You use {:?} instead of just {}. And if you use {:#?} the output will be pretty printed. (If you're curious the string formatting in Rust allows you to do even more cool things, like printing numbers with leading zeros.) Let us try our program:

$ cargo -q run
Result is:
Result is:
    Repository {
        name: "afpre",
        description: Some(
            " CLI for the AWS Federation Proxy"
        fork: true
    Repository {
        name: "ajv",
        description: Some(
            "The fastest JSON schema Validator. Supports v5 proposals"
        fork: true

Nice. Applaud yourself. You really learned a lot.

Thank you for reading my articles so far. If you liked them, please let me know. With a little bit of luck I'm able to add new chapters in the future. Maybe about generating WASM and using it in Node Modules? Would you like that? Until then, have a nice day! 👋

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