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57 lines (44 loc) · 4.88 KB

File metadata and controls

57 lines (44 loc) · 4.88 KB


We would love for you to contribute and improve the explabox!

If you are unable to contribute yourself, feel free to post a feature request or bug report for the developers and maintainers at the Netherlands National Police Lab AI (NPAI).

1. Getting started

  • Make sure you have a GitHub account
  • Submit a ticket for your issue, assuming one does not already exist
  • Fork the repository on GitHub

2. Setting up your environment

To ensure you are able to interactively edit and test your code, when contributing we recommend you install your forked version of the explabox with the -e (editable; i.e. pip3 install -e .) flag. Depending on where you want to contribute to, we have also provided you with the necessary optional packages required for quality checks and/or package building. These are:

  • General development: pip3 install -e ".[dev]"
  • Only working on documentation: pip3 install -e ".[docs]"

3. How to contribute

  1. Choose a topic branch (typically master) to start your contribution from
  2. Make commits of logical units
  3. Ensure that if you contributed code you also include accompanying tests in the explabox/test folder
  4. Perform all quality checks when you are finished
  5. Update the changelog to state which contributions you made
  6. Push your changes to a topic branch and create a merge request, describing your contribution
  7. Actively watch if your contribution requires any further changes

3.1 Quality checks

When contributing to the explabox, you are required to adhere to several quality criteria, as described in the table below. These are checked automatically when making a commit to the main branch (using pre-commit), and are included in the Makefile (run make quality and make coverage in your terminal, or run make.bat if on Windows). In addition, they can be run manually with the command provided in the Manual check column below.

Quality Tool Description Manual check
Import order isort Imports in .py files are done in alphabetical order. isort --profile=black --line-length=120 --check-only .
Linter black Automatic formatting of your .py code, weakened to a line length of 120. black --line-length=120 --check .
Linter flake8 Minimal code style quality check, also weakened to a line length of 120. flake8 --config .flake8 .
Security bandit Software is checked for known security vulnerabilities. bandit -r explabox/ --configfile=.bandit.yaml
Unit and integration testing pytest Software should be tested in seperate units and in combined pipelines. coverage run -m pytest completeness check-manifest Check if all required files are also shipped with the Python package. check-manifest
Documentation linter doc8 Style checks for the documentation files that are used to generate doc8 ./docs

These tools are automatically included when installing the explabox with the [dev] and [all] options. The documentation linter is installed with the [doc], [dev] and [all] options.

If you are contributing to the documentation (i.e. editing any .md or .rst file), ensure you run make docs (or make.bat for Windows) when you are finished to ensure the updated files are copied to the /docs folder.

3.2 Updating

Update the changelog using the Keep a Changelog standard, under the [Unreleased] section of Contributions should be grouped under ### Added, ### Changed, ### Fixed or ### Removed. Note that you should not repeat the verb (e.g. added) of the group in a bullet point.

3.3 Merge request

Clearly state your contributions when making a merge request. Reference any prior issues you are aiming to solve. If you require new dependencies or new versions thereof, also explicitly state why these are required.

Your contribution will be reviewed, potentially requiring changes to the code/documentation you have contributed. When passing all quality checks and the code review, your contribution will become part of the next version of the explabox.

3.4 New version release

After a succesful merge request, the developers/maintainers of the explabox will ensure your contribution is pushed with the next version of the explabox.