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Account Constraints and Access Control

This tutorial covers how to specify constraints and access control on accounts, a problem somewhat unique to the parallel nature of Solana.

On Solana, a transaction must specify all accounts required for execution. And because an untrusted client specifies those accounts, a program must responsibly validate all such accounts are what the client claims they are--in addition to any instruction specific access control the program needs to do.

For example, you could imagine easily writing a faulty token program that forgets to check if the signer of a transaction claiming to be the owner of a Token Account actually matches the owner on that account. Furthermore, imagine what might happen if the program expects a Mint account but a malicious user gives a token Account.

To address these problems, Anchor provides several types, traits, and macros. It's easiest to understand by seeing how they're used in an example, but a couple include

  • Accounts: derive macro implementing the Accounts trait, allowing a struct to transform from the untrusted &[AccountInfo] slice given to a Solana program into a validated struct of deserialized account types.
  • #[account]: attribute macro implementing AccountSerialize and AccountDeserialize, automatically prepending a unique 8 byte discriminator to the account array. The discriminator is defined by the first 8 bytes of the Sha256 hash of the account's Rust identifier--i.e., the struct type name--and ensures no account can be substituted for another.
  • Account: a wrapper type for a deserialized account implementing AccountDeserialize. Using this type within an Accounts struct will ensure the account is owned by the address defined by declare_id! where the inner account was defined.

With the above, we can define preconditions for any instruction handler expecting a certain set of accounts, allowing us to more easily reason about the security of our programs.

Clone the Repo

To get started, clone the repo.

git clone

Change directories to the example.

cd anchor/examples/tutorial/basic-2

And install any additional JavaScript dependencies:

yarn install

Defining a Program

Here we have a simple Counter program, where anyone can create a counter, but only the assigned authority can increment it.

<<< @/../examples/tutorial/basic-2/programs/basic-2/src/

If you've gone through the previous tutorials the create instruction should be straightforward. Let's focus on the increment instruction, specifically the Increment struct deriving Accounts.

pub struct Increment<'info> {
    #[account(mut, has_one = authority)]
    pub counter: Account<'info, Counter>,
    pub authority: Signer<'info>,

Here, a couple #[account(..)] attributes are used.

  • mut: tells the program to persist all changes to the account.
  • has_one: enforces the constraint that Increment.counter.authority == Increment.authority.key.

Another new concept here is the Signer type. This enforces the constraint that the authority account signed the transaction. However, anchor doesn't fetch the data on that account.

If any of these constraints do not hold, then the increment instruction will never be executed. This allows us to completely separate account validation from our program's business logic, allowing us to reason about each concern more easily. For more, see the full list of account constraints.

Next Steps

We've covered the basics for writing a single program using Anchor on Solana. But the power of blockchains come not from a single program, but from combining multiple composable programs (buzzword...check). Next, we'll see how to call one program from another.