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Experiment Node.js native Fetch API with Refinitiv Data Platform APIs using TypeScript



The Fetch API provides an interface for fetching resources asynchronously across the network using Promise. The Fetch API is wildly used by the frontend web developers for a while, but the Node.js just added this API as an experimental feature with Node version 17.5.0 on February 2022 for the backend developers.

This example project shows how to use the Node.js experimental native Fetch API with the Refinitiv Data Platform (RDP) APIs as the example HTTP REST APIs. The application source codes are implemented in the TypeScript language, and then run the application in a controlled environment such as Docker and devcontainer using the Node Docker Image. This helps to avoid mess-up your local development environment when experimenting with this feature.

Note: Please be informed that this demo projects aim for Development and POC purposes only. The native Fetch API is still an experimental feature (As of April 2022) and is not recommended for Production use.

Example Code Structure

The example application source codes are separated into 2 TypeScript files:

  • The main file rdp_nodefetch.ts: The file contains the application main and connection logic.
  • The Type Aliases file rdp_types.ts: This file contains all Type Aliases for the RDP Auth, News, and Discovery Symbology services JSON messages.

Example Code Type Aliases

Type Aliases is one of TypeScript Object Types that helps developers type-checking their variables and data in the implementation time to avoid data type errors in a final JavaScript application.

This example project defines all Type Aliases for the RDP API's JSON request messages (for Auth and Symbology Discover services) and objects used by the application in the rdp_types.ts file.


// Type for RDP Auth Token (v1) request message
export type RDP_AuthToken_Type = {
    username: string
    password?: string
    grant_type: 'password' | 'refresh_token'
    takeExclusiveSignOnControl: any
    scope?: string
    client_id: string
    refresh_token?: string

// Type for RDP Symbology Lookup request message
export type PDP_Symbology_Req_Type = {
    from: RDP_Symbology_From_Type[]
    to: RDP_Symbology_To_Type[]
    reference: string[]
    type: string

RDP APIs Application Workflow

Refinitiv Data Platform entitlement check is based on OAuth 2.0 specification. The first step of an application workflow is to get a token from RDP Auth Service, which will allow access to the protected resource, i.e. data REST API's.

The API requires the following access credential information:

  • Username: The username.
  • Password: Password associated with the username.
  • Client ID: This is also known as AppKey, and it is generated using an App key Generator. This unique identifier is defined for the user or application and is deemed confidential (not shared between users). The client_id parameter can be passed in the request body or as an “Authorization” request header that is encoded as base64.

Next, after the application received the Access Token (and authorization token) from RDP Auth Service, all subsequent REST API calls will use this token to get the data. Please find more detail regarding RDP APIs workflow in the following resources:

RDP APIs Authentication

RDP APIs Authentication Type Aliases

Firstly, we import and crate all necessary types, objects, and variables for the API endpoints and credentials in the main application rdp_nodefetch.ts file.


// Importing Types
import { RDP_AuthToken_Type} from './rdp_types'

// RDP APIs endpoints
const rdpServer: string = process.env.RDP_BASE_URL || ''
const rdpAuthURL: string = process.env.RDP_AUTH_URL || ''

// RDP Credentials
const username: string = process.env.RDP_USERNAME || ''
const password: string = process.env.RDP_PASSWORD || ''
const client_id: string = process.env.RDP_APP_KEY || ''

const scope: string = 'trapi'
const takeExclusiveSignOnControl: boolean = true
// Access Token Information
let access_token: string = ''
let refresh_token: string = ''
let expires_in: string = ''

// ---------------- Main Function ---------------------------------------- //

const main = async () => {


// Running the application

Please note that the API endpoints and credentials will be assigned to the application at run time with the environment variable.

Sending Authentication Request with the Fetch API

Then we create a function named authenRDP to send a login request message to the RDP Auth Token service. The function creates the JSON request message from the RDP_AuthToken_Type Type and then sends it to the RDP via Node native Fetch API as an HTTP POST message.


// Send HTTP Post request to get Access Token (Password Grant and Refresh Grant) from RDP Auth Service
const authenRDP = async (_username: string, _password: string, _clientid: string, _refresh_token: string) => {
    const authenURL: string = `${rdpServer}${rdpAuthURL}`

    //Init Authentication Request Message and First Login scenario
    let authReq: RDP_AuthToken_Type = {
        'username': _username,
        'client_id': _clientid,
        'password': _password,
        'scope': scope,
        'grant_type': 'password',

    // Send HTTP Request
    const response: Response = await fetch(authenURL, {
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
        body: new URLSearchParams(authReq)

    if (!response.ok) {
        console.log('Authentication Failed')
        const statusText: string = await response.text()
        throw new Error(`HTTP error!: ${response.status} ${statusText}`);
    console.log('Authentication Granted')
    //Parse response to JSON
    const authResponse = await response.json()
    //Set Token Information
    access_token = authResponse.access_token
    refresh_token = authResponse.refresh_token
    expires_in = authResponse.expires_in


const main = async () => {

    console.log(`Running RDP Node.js example application`)
    try {

        //Send authentication request
        await authenRDP(username, password, client_id, refresh_token)
        if(access_token.length === 0 && refresh_token.length === 0 ){
            console.log('Error, exit the application')

    } catch (error) {


// Running the application

Once the authentication success, the function gets the RDP Auth service response message and keeps the following RDP token information in the variables.

  • access_token: The token used to invoke REST data API calls as described above. The application must keep this credential for further RDP APIs requests.
  • refresh_token: Refresh token to be used for obtaining an updated access token before expiration. The application must keep this credential for access token renewal.
  • expires_in: Access token validity time in seconds.

Please note that Node.js may show the ExperimentalWarning: The Fetch API is an experimental feature. This feature could change at any time warning message because the application is currently using the experimental feature.


RDP tokens renewal

Before the session expires, the application needs to send a Refresh Grant request message to get a new access token. Let' us modify the authenRDP() function to support the Refresh Grant request too.


// Send HTTP Post request to get Access Token (Password Grant and Refresh Grant) from RDP Auth Service
const authenRDP = async (_username: string, _password: string, _clientid: string, _refresh_token: string) => {
    const authenURL: string = `${rdpServer}${rdpAuthURL}`

     //Init Authentication Request Message and First Login scenario
    let authReq: RDP_AuthToken_Type = {

    //For the Refresh_Token scenario
    if (_refresh_token.length !== 0) {
        authReq['refresh_token'] = _refresh_token,
            authReq['grant_type'] = 'refresh_token'
        delete authReq['scope']
        delete authReq['password']

    // Send HTTP Request
    // Define the timer to refresh our token 


//Send a Refresh Grant message before Access Token's expires (expires_in time)
const setRefreshTime = () => {

    const millis: number = (parseInt(expires_in) * 0.90) * 1000

    setInterval(async () => {
        try {
            await authenRDP(username, password, client_id, refresh_token)
        } catch (error) {
    }, millis)

Now the example application supports both the Password Grant and Refresh Grant scenarios for the RDP APIs with a single authenRDP() function. You can find more detail about the Password and Refresh grants limitation in the following article.

That covers the authentication part.

Requesting RDP APIs Data

That brings us to requesting the RDP APIs data. All subsequent REST API calls use the Access Token via the Authorization HTTP request message header as shown below to get the data.

  • Header:
    • Authorization = Bearer <RDP Access Token>

Please notice the space between the Bearer and RDP Access Token values.

The application then creates a request message in a JSON message format or URL query parameter based on the interested service and sends it as an HTTP request message to the Service Endpoint. Developers can get RDP APIs the Service Endpoint, HTTP operations, and parameters from Refinitiv Data Platform's API Playground page - which is an interactive documentation site developers can access once they have a valid Refinitiv Data Platform account.

This project covers the following the RDP APIs Services:

  • Discovery Symbology Service /lookup endpoint that navigates between identifiers.
  • News Service /headlines operation.

RDP APIs Symbology Discovery Service

Sending Symbology Request with the Fetch API

This example converts a symbol from the RIC Code identifier to ISIN, LEI, and ExchangeTicker identifiers using the RDP the Discovery Symbology Service. I will begin by importing the PDP_Symbology_Req_Type Type Aliases for the Symbology JSON request message, and creating a function named requestSymbol() in the main rdp_nodefetch.ts file. This function creates the JSON request message, sends it to RDP via Node native Fetch API, and then returns a response data in JSON message format.


// Importing Types
import { PDP_Symbology_Req_Type} from './rdp_types'

// RDP APIs endpoints
const rdpSymbologyURL: string = process.env.RDP_SYMBOLOGY_URL || ''

// Request Symbology Lookup Data from RDP Symbology Lookup Service
const requestSymbol = async (symbol: string, access_token: string) => {
    const symbologyURL: string = `${rdpServer}${rdpSymbologyURL}`

    console.log(`Requesting Symbology data from ${symbologyURL}`)

    // Create POST request message
    const reqSymbolObj: PDP_Symbology_Req_Type = {
        'from': [{
            'identifierTypes': ['RIC'],
            'values': [symbol]
        'to': [{
            'identifierTypes': ['ISIN', 'LEI', 'ExchangeTicker']
        'reference': ['name', 'status', 'classification'],
        'type': 'auto'

    // Send HTTP Request
    const response: Response = await fetch(symbologyURL, {
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'Authorization': `Bearer ${access_token}`
        body: JSON.stringify(reqSymbolObj)

    if (!response.ok) {
        const statusText: string = await response.text()
        throw new Error(`Get Symbology HTTP error!: ${response.status} ${statusText}`);
    console.log('Get Symbology data success.')
    //Parse response to JSON
    return await response.json()

const main = async () => {
    // Authentication 
    const symbologyData = await requestSymbol(symbol, access_token)

// Running the application

Displaying Symbology Data

The next step is displaying incoming Symbology data in a readable format. The application uses the console.table() function to print data to a console in a tabular format.

Let's start by creating the new Type Aliases for the Symbology table object named symbologyTable. This object keeps the necessary output data which are identifierType, value, name, and status fields from the response JSON message.


// Type for RDP Symbology Table data
export type RDP_Symbology_Table_Type = {
    data: RDP_Symbology_Data_Type[]

// sub-Type for RDP Symbology Table data
export type RDP_Symbology_Data_Type = {
    identifierType: string
    value: string
    name: string
    status: string

Finally, we create a displaySymbology() function to construct the symbologyTable object and then passes it to the console.table() function.


// Importing Types
import { RDP_Symbology_Table_Type } from './rdp_types'
// Convert Symbology JSON data to be a table
const displaySymbology = (symbologyJSON:any) => {

    const symbologyData: any = symbologyJSON['data']
    const symbologyOutput: any  = symbologyData[0]['output']

    const symbologyTable: RDP_Symbology_Table_Type = { data: [] }
    symbologyOutput.forEach(({identifierType,value, name, status }:any)=>{


// Request Symbology Lookup Data from RDP Symbology Lookup Service
const requestSymbol = async (symbol: string, access_token: string) => {
    // Getting Symbology Data

const main = async () => {
    // Authentication 
    const symbologyData = await requestSymbol(symbol, access_token)

// Running the application

The console.table() result with the symbologyTable object is as follows:


That covers the Symbology data conversion part.

RDP APIs News Service

Sending News Request with the Fetch API

Now we come to the RDP News Service code. Let me start by creating a function named getNewsHeadlines to send the HTTP GET request message to RDP News Service with the native Fetch API. Once the function received response data from RDP, it returns that data in JSON message format.


// Request News Headlines Data from RDP News Service
const getNewsHeadlines = async (symbol: string, access_token: string, limit: number = 10) =>{
    const newsURL: string = `${rdpServer}${rdpNewsURL}?query=${symbol}&limit=${limit}`

    console.log(`Requesting News Headlines from ${newsURL}`)

    // Send HTTP Request
    const response: Response = await fetch(newsURL, {
        method: 'GET',
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'Authorization': `Bearer ${access_token}`

    if (!response.ok) {
        const statusText: string = await response.text()
        throw new Error(`Get News Headlines HTTP error!: ${response.status} ${statusText}`);
    console.log('Get News Headlines data success.')
    //Parse response to JSON
    return await response.json()

const main = async () => {
    // Authentication 
    const newsHeadlineData = await getNewsHeadlines(symbol, access_token, newsLimit)

// Running the application

Displaying News Headline Data

Turning to display incoming news headline data in a readable-tabular format. I will begin by creating the new Type Aliases for the news headline table object named newsHeadlinesTable. This object keeps the necessary output data which are storyId, and title (headline text) fields from the response JSON message.


// Type for RDP News Headline Table data
export type RDP_NewsHeadlines_Table_Type = {
    data: RDP_NewsHeadlines_Data_Type[]

// sub-Type for RDP News Headline Table data
export type RDP_NewsHeadlines_Data_Type = {
    storyId: string
    title: string

Finally, we create a displayNewsHeadlines() function to construct the newsHeadlinesTable object and then passes it to the console.table() function.


// Importing Types
import { RDP_NewsHeadlines_Table_Type } from './rdp_types'
// Convert News Headline JSON data to be a table
const displayNewsHeadlines = (newsJSON:any) => {
    const newsData: any = newsJSON['data']
    let newsItem:any = undefined

    const newsHeadlinesTable: RDP_NewsHeadlines_Table_Type = { data: [] }
    newsData.forEach((headline:any) => {
        newsItem = headline['newsItem']

            'storyId': headline['storyId'],
            'title': newsItem['itemMeta']['title'][0]['$']

// Request News Headlines Data from RDP News Service
const getNewsHeadlines = async (symbol: string, access_token: string, limit: number = 10) =>{
    // Getting News Headline Data

const main = async () => {
    // Authentication 
    const newsHeadlineData = await getNewsHeadlines(symbol, access_token, newsLimit)

// Running the application

The console.table() result with the newsHeadlineData object is as follows:


That covers all the Node native Fetch API with RDP HTTP REST APIs application development using TypeScript.

Running the example

To run the native Fetch API, you can run the native Fetch code as the following examples:

Node version 18.0.0:

$> node app.js 

Node versions 17.5.0 - 17.9.X:

$> node --experimental-fetch app.js 

Please see how to run the project in the file.


For further details, please check out the following resources:

For any questions related to Refinitiv Data Platform APIs, please use the RDP APIs Forum on the Developers Community Q&A page.