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80 lines (71 loc) · 2.84 KB

File metadata and controls

80 lines (71 loc) · 2.84 KB


The program is a small application that executed commands to the MongoDB. It has a method for importing dataset of Twitter tweets from the CSV file into database.

####The project was done using Java language. Program calls the mongo binary and executes the javascript queries as commands from the terminal and prints out the following results.

Question 1:

How many Twitter users are in our database?


Question 2:

Which Twitter users link the most to other Twitter users? (Provide the top 10)

{ "_id" : "lost_dog", "count" : 549 }
{ "_id" : "tweetpet", "count" : 310 }
{ "_id" : "VioletsCRUK", "count" : 251 }
{ "_id" : "what_bugs_u", "count" : 246 }
{ "_id" : "tsarnick", "count" : 245 }
{ "_id" : "SallytheShizzle", "count" : 229 }
{ "_id" : "mcraddictal", "count" : 217 }
{ "_id" : "Karen230683", "count" : 216 }
{ "_id" : "keza34", "count" : 211 }
{ "_id" : "TraceyHewins", "count" : 202 }

The count shows how many times user linked (using the @ sign ) to other users.

Question 3:

Who are the most mentioned Twitter users? (Provide the top 5)

{ "_id" : "WallTweet", "tweets" : 34 }
{ "_id" : "Anime81", "tweets" : 20 }
{ "_id" : "Jinxie_G", "tweets" : 16 }
{ "_id" : "CateP36", "tweets" : 15 }
{ "_id" : "MiDesfileNegro", "tweets" : 15 }

The count in this case shows how many times the user was mentioned by other users

Question 4:

Who are the most active Twitter users? (Provide the top 10)

{ "_id" : "lost_dog", "count" : 549 }
{ "_id" : "webwoke", "count" : 345 }
{ "_id" : "tweetpet", "count" : 310 }
{ "_id" : "SallytheShizzle", "count" : 281 }
{ "_id" : "VioletsCRUK", "count" : 279 }
{ "_id" : "mcraddictal", "count" : 276 }
{ "_id" : "tsarnick", "count" : 248 }
{ "_id" : "what_bugs_u", "count" : 246 }
{ "_id" : "Karen230683", "count" : 238 }
{ "_id" : "DarkPiano", "count" : 236 }

The count counts all the user's posts they've written.

Question 5 (grumpy):

Who are the five most grumpy (most negative tweets)?

{ "_id" : "lost_dog", "count" : 549 }
{ "_id" : "tweetpet", "count" : 310 }
{ "_id" : "webwoke", "count" : 264 }
{ "_id" : "wowlew", "count" : 210 }
{ "_id" : "mcraddictal", "count" : 210 }

The count shows the amount of the tweets that were negative. (polarity: 0)

** looks like all the posts of the user lost_dog were grumpy... (549/549)

Question 5 (happy):

Who are the five most happy (most positive tweets)?

{ "_id" : "what_bugs_u", "count" : 246 }
{ "_id" : "DarkPiano", "count" : 231 }
{ "_id" : "VioletsCRUK", "count" : 218 }
{ "_id" : "tsarnick", "count" : 212 }
{ "_id" : "keza34", "count" : 211 }

The count shows the amount of the tweets that were positive. (polarity: 4)

You can test it yourself.

Clone a project and go to target/classes dir. There execute a command java Main. You must have all the data setup in the db first though.