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Contributing to BEEP

We are striving for community-driven adoption and development of BEEP. If you would like to contribute (thank you!), please have a look at the guidelines below.

If you're already familiar with our workflow, maybe have a quick look at the pre-commit checks directly below.

Pre-commit checks

Before you commit any code, please perform the following checks:


We use a standard Fork and Pull Request workflow to coordinate our work. When making any kind of update, we try to follow the procedure below.

A. Before you begin

  1. Create an issue where new proposals can be discussed before any coding is done.
  2. Create a personal fork the master repo.
  3. Download the source code onto your local system, by cloning the repository (or your fork of the repository).
  4. Create a branch of this repo on your own fork where all changes will be made
  5. Install BEEP with the developer options.
  6. Test if your installation worked. pytest beep.

You now have everything you need to start making changes!

B. Writing your code

  1. BEEP is developed in Python. Make sure to follow our coding style guidelines.
  2. Commit your changes to your branch with useful, descriptive commit messages. While developing, you can keep using the GitHub issue you're working on as a place for discussion. Refer to your commits when discussing specific lines of code.
  3. If you want to add a dependency on another library, or re-use code you found somewhere else, have a look at these guidelines.

C. Merging your changes with BEEP

  1. Test your code!
  2. When you feel your code is finished, or at least warrants serious discussion, run the pre-commit checks and then create a pull request.
  3. Once a PR has been created, it will be reviewed by the maintainers. Changes might be suggested which you can make by simply adding new commits to the branch. When everything's finished, someone with the right GitHub permissions will merge your changes into the repository.


To install BEEP with all developer options, type:

pip install -e .[tests]

This will

  1. Install all the dependencies for BEEP, including the ones for documentation (docs) and development (dev).
  2. Tell Python to use your local BEEP files when you use import beep anywhere on your system.

Coding style guidelines

BEEP follows the PEP8 recommendations for coding style.


In general, we aim for descriptive class, method, and argument names. 2. Avoid abbreviations when possible without making names overly long, so mean is better than mu, but a class name like MyClass is fine. 3. Class names use CamelCase, and start with an upper case letter, for example FastChargeFeatures or ProcessedCyclerRun. 4. Method and variable names use snake_case, and use underscores for word separation, for example x or calculate_cycle_life.


Every method and every class should have a docstring that describes in plain terms what it does, and what the expected input and output is. Likewise, while performing any complex operation in a piece of code, or putting in decision logic, please use in-line comments.

Dependencies and reusing code

While it is a bad idea for developers to "reinvent the wheel", it is also important for users to get a reasonably sized download and an easy install_. In addition, external libraries can sometimes cease to be supported, and when they contain bugs it might take a while before fixes become available as automatic downloads to BEEP users. For these reasons, all dependencies in BEEP should be thought about carefully, and discussed on GitHub.

Direct inclusion of code from other packages is possible, as long as their license permits it and is compatible with ours, but again should be considered carefully and discussed in the group. Snippets from blogs and stackoverflow can often be included without attribution, but if they solve a particularly nasty problem (or are very hard to read) it's often a good idea to attribute (and document) them, by making a comment with a link in the source code.


All code requires testing. We use the pytest package for our tests.

Writing tests

Every new feature should have its own test. To create one, have a look at the test directory and see if there's a test for a similar method. Copy-pasting this is a good way to start.

Next, add some simple tests of your main features. If these run without exceptions that's a good start! Next, confirm the output of your methods using any of these assert methods.

Running tests

The tests are divided into unit tests, whose aim is to check individual bits of code, and end-to-end tests, which check how parts of the program interact as a whole.

To run all tests,

pytest beep

To run a specific test script


To run a specific test from a test class,


If you want to run several, but not all, the tests from a script, you can restrict which tests are run from a particular script by using the skipping decorator:

def test_bit_of_code(self):

or by just commenting out all the tests you don't want to run

Debugging tests

  • Set break points, either in your IDE or using the python debugging module. To use the latter, add the following line where you want to set the break point. This will start the Python interactive debugger.
import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
  • Warnings: If functions are raising warnings instead of errors, it can be hard to pinpoint where this is coming from. Here, you can use the warnings module to convert warnings to errors:
import warnings

Tutorial notebooks

Specific use-cases and capabilities of BEEP are showcased in Jupyter notebooks stored in the examples directory. All example notebooks should be listed in tutorials/



Installation and dependencies are handled via setuptools

Configuration files:

Note that this file must be kept in sync with the version number in beep/

Continuous integration

All committed code is tested using Travis CI, tests are published here. Configuration file: .travis.yaml. For every commit, Travis runs all the unit tests, end to end tests, doc tests and flake8.

Additionally, Appveyor runs integration tests for windows environment. Tests are published here

Code coverage

Code coverage (how much of the code is actually seen by the (linux) unit tests) is tested using Coveralls.


This file was adapted from Pints GitHub repo.