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Key Value Store

Build Status MIT Licence


Getting Started

Start by cloning the repository using: git clone followed by cd key-value-store.

Install all the dependencies (including the dev dependencies) using the npm install or npm i command. Once the dependencies are installed, use npm start to start the server.

Use an API testing tool like Postman or Insomnia to send/receive HTTP requests.

Dependencies & Packages

  • body-parser
  • commander
  • dotenv
  • express
  • mongoose
  • morgan

Developer dependencies:

  • @babel/cli
  • @babel/core (Transpiling ES6 code for use with NodeJS)
  • @babel/present-env
  • @babel/register
  • chai (Assertion)
  • mocha (Testing)
  • nyc (Test coverage)
  • request
  • request-promise (For sending HTTP requests to the server while testing)
  • rimraf (The UNIX rm -rf command for Node)
  • standard (Linting)

Running locally

The .env file

The .env file holds the important variables for the whole application which include the database URL, database port, application port, etc.

Please make sure that the both the index.js, which is the core app file and store-cli.js, which is the cli utility file have access to the .env file. This is important for them to function properly.

npm scripts

The package.json file contains five scripts for running locally: linter, test, coverage, build & start.

  • "linter": "standard --fix"

Runs the StandardJS linter along with the --fix flag, which lints code to a great extent. The traceback (if one shows up) is the list of errors that need to be fixed manually.

  • "test": "mocha --require @babel/register --timeout 5000 --exit"

Runs only the tests.

  • "coverage": "nyc --reporter=text mocha --require @babel/register --timeout 5000 --exit"

Runs the test coverage & shows up detailed report.

  • "build": "rimraf dist/ && babel ./ --out-dir dist/ --copy-files"

Builds the project.

  • "start": "npm run build && node dist/index.js --no-deprecation"

First builds and then starts the server.

Using the CLI

To use the CLI, you must make sure that the server is up and running. The steps for successful usage are:

  1. Open a terminal window, and run npm start. This fires up the server. Please keep this terminal window running.
  2. Open another terminal window, and run node store-cli --help. This will show a list of commands, which are get, set & delete.
  3. The syntax is:
    • node store-cli get <key>
    • node store-cli set <key> <value>
    • node store-cli delete <key>

API endpoints

1. /get

URL: /get/:key
Request type: GET
Data parameters: key

2. /set

2.1. For string type key-value pairs
URL: /set/:key/:value
Request type: GET
Data parameters: key, value
2.2. For values of type object
URL: /set
Request type: POST
Data parameters: {"key": "key", "value": { "sample-object": "true" } }
Headers: {
  "Content-type": "application/json"
Please note that the Content-type: "application/json" header is important for the server to understand that the value being passed is an object.

3. /delete

URL: /delete/:key
Request type: GET
Data parameters: key

© 2019 Ravi Teja Gannavarapu