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A very opinionated template for Node.js applications written in TypeScript.

Using this template

This is a GitHub template repository. You can create a new repository from this template by clicking the green Use this template button. See

Version information

  • Node.js 14
  • TypeScript 4.2
  • ESLint 7
  • Yarn berry

Yarn package manager

You need to have yarn installed. To install, run npm install -g yarn.

This template uses the yarn package manager in the version berry with the nodeLinker for maximum compatibility. Dependency installations are nearly instant and work offline due to the use of a cache in .yarn/cache.


# With dependency pinning
yarn add -E package # Install package to dependencies
yarn add -DE package # Install package to devDependencies

# Without dependency pinning
yarn add package # Install package to dependencies
yarn add -D package # Install package to devDependencies

yarn is configured to automatically install corresponding @types/ packages. (See

Important commands

# Install dependencies

# Run app in development mode with hot reload (powered by nodemon and ts-node)
yarn dev

# Build app
yarn build

# Check for TypeScript errors
yarn tsc:check

# Serve app in production
yarn start

Static code analysis and code formatting

We use the opinionated Prettier code formatter along with ESLint for static code analysis. ESLint is configured to automatically format the code based on Prettier rules and apply recommended rules based on eslint and @typescript-eslint.

This template automatically configures IntelliJ based IDEs (PHPStorm, Webstorm, ...) and Visual Studio Code to apply ESLint fixes on every file save.

You can also run ESLint from the command line. Remember that this also runs prettier, so you should never need to run prettier manually.

# Lint all files
yarn lint
# Lint and auto-fix all files
yarn lint:fix


The testing framework jest is pre-configured to work with TypeScript. Write tests in the test directory and configure jest with the jest.config.js.

# Run tests
yarn test
# Run tests and watch for file changes
yarn test:watch

Don't need tests?

  1. Run yarn remove jest ts-jest @types/jest
  2. Remove the test directory and jest.config.js
  3. Change the test script in package.json to execute yarn tsc:check instead.
  4. Remove the test:watch script in package.json

Environment variables

You can create a .env file in the root of the directory. The variables will be automatically available in development when using yarn dev. This uses the dotenv package under the hood by running node -r dotenv/config (see nodemon.json).

GitHub actions

This template comes with 2 actions pre-configured. There is a free tier to GitHub actions, but depending on the usage, you might be charged. To avoid this, update the spending limit of your GitHub account. More information:

Test workflow

Every pull request automatically gets tested by running yarn test. Results will be visible in the Actions tab in the repository and under the pull request.

Don't want to use the test workflow? Remove the file .github/workflows/test.yml

Release workflow

On every push to the branches main and next, the code will be tested using yarn test and afterwards semantic-release will be run. semantic-release is a tool to fully automate version management and package publishing. What this means is on every push this will:

  1. Analyze your commit history to find out whether this is a patch, minor or major (breaking) release. This uses the Angular commit message format, so you must author your commits in this format.
  2. Bump the version in your package.json
  3. Generate a changelog which will be written to
  4. Create a git tag and a release in GitHub which includes the changelog.
  5. Notify every PR author if their changes are released.

When pushing to the next branch, a pre-release is created.

Want to publish your package to npm automatically? Update the package.json and configure @semantic-release/npm.

Because every commit will lead to a new release automatically, you need to work on the dev branch and feature branches and only merge your work over to main when you want to draft a release. See the semantic-release website for additional help.

Don't want to use semantic-release? I recommend you to try it out, but I agree that it can be very challenging if you dont have any experience with it, to start writing commits in angular format and working with multiple branches. You can remove the release workflow by doing the following:

  1. yarn remove semantic-release @types/semantic-release @semantic-release/changelog @semantic-release/git
  2. Remove the release section in package.json
  3. Remove the file .github/workflows/release.yml

Renovate bot

Renovate is pre-configured to keep dependencies pinned and up-to-date. Renovate will make PRs against the devbranch. This and more can be configured in .github/renovate.json. You have to install Renovate in your GitHub repo for this to work.

Don't want to use Renovate? Remove the file .github/renovate.json

Dependency pinning

It is recommended that you always pin your dependencies and let Renovate author PRs to update your dependencies. See for more information. If you use Renovate, it is pre-configured to pin your dependencies and you can use the -E flag of yarn to pin dependencies during installation.

However if you are authoring a library to be used by others or dont want to use a tool like Renovate, it might be better to not pin your dependencies, but use version ranges. Just leave out the -E flag when installing dependencies. If you are using renovate, edit the .github/renovate.json file and remove :pinVersions in line 5.


There is a sample Dockerfile which will produce a lightweight image of your application, which only includes production dependencies and code. It is based on alpine Linux.

# Build docker image
docker build -t myapplication .

Don't like something that is configured in this repo?

This repository is meant to be a good starting point for Node.js applications written in TypeScript. It is very opinionated, but can save a lot of time. You can customize everything to your liking after using this template. You think there's something that could be changed which would help everybody? Feel free to open a pull requeqst!