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Postgres & Flyway & Docker

Runs a Postgres DB accessible on localhost:5432

Only Dependency is Docker

Found myself using this same pattern in team projects to quickly get a database running for local dev purposes so figured it might be useful to some other devs.

The Makefile is the original component, comments should explain what the commands do. was created for a Windows friendlier version, you'll still need a terminal that supports PWD. I haven't used it beyond testing basic functionallity but teammates have been using it without issue.


Shows normal usage of each command, notice that make stop is data safe, make clean is not and requires a make init afterwards.

20:17:47 hunterlogan postgres-flyway-docker$ make init
docker run -itd \
	--name postgresql \
	-p 5432:5432 \
	--env POSTGRES_PASSWORD='12345678' \
	--env POSTGRES_USER='postgres' \
	--env POSTGRES_DB='postgres' \

20:17:49 hunterlogan postgres-flyway-docker$ make migrate
docker run --rm \
	-v /Users/hunterlogan/Documents/dev/postgres-flyway-docker/flyway/sql:/flyway/sql \
	-v /Users/hunterlogan/Documents/dev/postgres-flyway-docker/flyway/conf:/flyway/conf \
	--network="host" \
	flyway/flyway migrate
Flyway Community Edition 6.2.2 by Redgate
Database: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres (PostgreSQL 12.0)
Successfully validated 2 migrations (execution time 00:00.040s)
Creating Schema History table "public"."flyway_schema_history" ...
Current version of schema "public": << Empty Schema >>
Migrating schema "public" to version 1 - Create person table
Migrating schema "public" to version 2 - Modify person table
Successfully applied 2 migrations to schema "public" (execution time 00:00.238s)

20:17:56 hunterlogan postgres-flyway-docker$ make stop
docker kill postgresql

20:18:15 hunterlogan postgres-flyway-docker$ make run
docker start postgresql

20:18:22 hunterlogan postgres-flyway-docker$ make migrate
docker run --rm \
	-v /Users/hunterlogan/Documents/dev/postgres-flyway-docker/flyway/sql:/flyway/sql \
	-v /Users/hunterlogan/Documents/dev/postgres-flyway-docker/flyway/conf:/flyway/conf \
	--network="host" \
	flyway/flyway migrate
Flyway Community Edition 6.2.2 by Redgate
Database: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres (PostgreSQL 12.0)
Successfully validated 2 migrations (execution time 00:00.045s)
Current version of schema "public": 2
Schema "public" is up to date. No migration necessary.

20:18:33 hunterlogan postgres-flyway-docker$ make attach
docker exec -it postgresql bash -c "psql -U postgres"
psql (12.0 (Debian 12.0-2.pgdg100+1))
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# select * from person;
 id | name  | iq
  2 | Rick  | 150
  1 | Morty |  10
(2 rows)

postgres=# exit

20:19:06 hunterlogan postgres-flyway-docker$ make clean
docker rm postgresql -f