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Testing the 'oneview' module

The 'oneview' module provides a unit testing strategy and linting tools to help ensure its code style. This document will cover on how to execute and implement these tests.

Executing tests

The tests can be executed by rake tasks and by their original tools, like rspec, rubocop, puppet-lint and puppet parser.


All the test strategies and checks can be executed by the rake command. Please use rake -T to see a full list of commands.


Every resource must have at least one example file, and one example inside it for each of its ensure states. This example should aim to illustrate the common usage of that resource and its ensure states.

Unit & Integration tests

All unit and integration tests are inside the spec folder. You can execute them manually by using rspec and specifying the test files, like rspec spec/path/to/my/tests. If bundler was used to install the tools and test suite, which is a good practice, it is also recommended to run the unit tests prefixed by bundle exec, so that the correct gems and versions are used.


The unit tests issue a coverage report generated by SimpleCov and validated with Coveralls.

Style checking

Style checking is performed by:

  • rubocop for all the custom resource providers and types
  • puppet-lint and puppet parser for manifests.

Implementing tests

All code must have tests associated with it, and this section covers what tests need to be implemented.

Minimum requisites

The necessary amount of testing is dictated by both the one performing the implementation and the one accepting the code, however, there is a floor acceptance level that must be followed:

  • Each resource must have at least one example file in the examples folder. Inside those example files, at least one example on the usage of each ensurable property for a resource is required, with more examples being recommended for complex ensure states.

  • All the custom provider and type methods are required to have unit tests hitting each of its lines of code, achieving 100% line coverage for this module.


Examples on the usage of each ensure method available for a specific resource are a requirement for this module.

These examples should be written inside a puppet manifest by using a resource declaration style, and illustrating how a declaration of the resource and ensure state would be commonly used.


    ensure => 'present',
    data   => {
      name                    => 'OneViewSDK Test FC Network',
      connectionTemplateUri   => nil,
      autoLoginRedistribution => true,
      fabricType              => 'FabricAttach',

These examples should also be used as a way to perform functional and OneView integration tests, but they need to be executed manually through the puppet apply <manifest.pp> command.

Unit tests

Unit tests are required for each custom provider and type methods.

The custom providers and types are tested using the rspec-puppet and rspec, similar to pure rspec but enabling for the tests to call upon the puppet providers.

The actual tests are located in spec/unit/providers folder.

For each resource provider which contains code specific to it, a file should exist following the naming convention:


  • No unit test should require an appliance to run. Any calls to methods of the oneview-sdk-ruby which require communication to an appliance should have their expected return values mocked.

  • <_specific_provider> is optional, if the resource does not have multiple providers it is not necessary.

  • In case a resource possesses multiple providers, such as C7000 and Synergy, and one of its providers only inherits from another provider and does not have code specific to it:

    It is not necessary to create spec files for both providers, as that would just lead to needless repetition.

    In such a case, the correct approach is to create a spec file specific to the provider that only inherits the code, and use it to test all of the methods. Ensuring line coverage and reducing needless repetition.

    Another good practice is to create shared tests which can be included into the _spec files and further reduce the amount of code repetition.

Integration tests

The Integration tests are not a requirement, but provide an extra way to test complex methods against an appliance, in a way that might be too specific or would not add value to an example manifest.

These tests follow the same guidelines as the Unit tests , with the key difference that these tests are expected to run against an appliance, so there is no need for mock calls.

The actual tests are located in spec/integration/providers and spec/integration/types folders.