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File metadata and controls

144 lines (112 loc) · 5.49 KB

Gem Version Dependency Status

This gem is a work-in-process. If you expire some bugs or search for features, try the master-branch first. I try to maintain the interface as stable as I can, but until I release version 0.1.0 or 1.0.0 it'll probably change sometimes.

This README reflects the state of the master-branch. Please consider that some features might not have been officially released yet. Take a look at the commit history and the release date of the latest gem.


The gem was inspired by jameswritescode/atheme-ruby. However, his gem use module-methods and thus does not allow concurrent connections within the same script.


You can install the gem directly from

gem install atheme-ruby

Standalone script:

require 'atheme'


gem 'atheme-ruby', require: 'atheme'

And you're ready to rumble!


To instantiate, you can either pass the required arguments as options in a hash, like so:

@session =
  protocol: "http",
  hostname: "localhost",
  port: 8080

and/or use the builder idiom:

@session = do |c| 
  c.protocol = "http"
  c.hostname = "localhost"
  c.port = 8080

If an option is missing, the default ones as stated above are used.


The initial session uses an anonymous login which can be re-choosen by logging out.

To login with an account registered with NickServ use the following:

@session.login(username, password, ip="") #=> you'll get a cookie on success
@session.logged_in?                                #=> true or false

The cookie is a random generated string from Atheme for your current login session and will be valid for one(1) hour or until the server is shut down or restarted.

You can relogin using the cookie by calling:

@session.relogin(cookie, user, ip="")

which saves you from asking users everytime again for their passwords.

You may logout after you finished your work:



This gem supports all service-bots of atheme, like chanserv, nickserv etc. You can call any commands you want to perform like you do on IRC; Each param goes into a different argument of the method:'#opers')                     # /msg chanserv info #opers
@session.chanserv.list                               # /msg chanserv list
@session.nickserv.mark!("Nick", "ON", "marking Nick") # Marks Nick with a note

I think you're getting the point... However, you can perform additional questions on these return values:'#opers').founder             #=> #<Atheme::User ...>'#opers')        #=> "Nick_Of_Founder"'#opers').registered          #=> #<Date: 2013-05-13 ((2456426j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>"Nick").mark!("marking Nick") #=> Marks an user

Or a bit simplier if you want to run multiple ones on one User/Channel/..."Nick") do |n|

Take a look into lib/atheme/services/* and lib/atheme/entities/* to find available subcommands. The commands which call the API return a Atheme::Entity or a subclass like Atheme::User or Atheme::Channel etc. You can call #raw_output on these to get the raw service reply of the command you called.


Errors can occur if you do not have the permissions to run a command you would like, specifies the wrong arguments or forget one. There are many possibilities that something went wrong, especially if you have a long command-chain.

You can test if your command or your command-chain run successfully by asking #success? or #error? on it.

cmd ="#opers").fdrop!
cmd.success? #=> true on success, false otherwise

If the API returned an error, you can inspect it:

cmd.error           #=> Holds the Exception ($!)
cmd.skipped_methods #=> Array of [method, args, block] which have been skipped due to the exception

You can read more about the fault codes here: Atheme XMLRPC - Fault codes

Known limitations/bugs


  • Tests!
  • Docs!
  • Add more parsers/subcommands to all kinds of services (pull requests welcome)

Contributing to atheme-ruby

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it.
  • Fork the project.
  • Start a feature/bugfix branch.
  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution.
  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.


Copyright (c) 2013 Noxx/Flauschbaellchen. See LICENSE for further details.