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This project was a submission for the Astro 1.0 Hackathon. It is now possible to utilize nested renderers in Astro by default, so this library is no longer needed.  

A framework-agnostic portal system for micro-frontend & streaming contexts.


Check out a "kitchen sink" demo here:

Try it out here:




With an Astro integration:

Use astro-portal.


With a bundler:


npm install lazy-portal


  <script type="module" src="lazy-portal/Client/Initialize.js"/>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="lazy-portal/Assets/Style.css"/>
  • update the lazy-portal paths appropriately based on how they need to be resolved for your particular build configuration.


Without a bundler:


  <!-- ESM Version: -->
  <script type="module" src=""/>
  <!-- CJS Version: -->
  <script type="module" src=""/>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>



Use portal-entrance components to wrap the content that you want to be transported, and portal-destination components to define where the content will be transported.


<portal-entrance to="MyPortal">
  <h1>My Portal Content</h1>

<portal-destination name="MyPortal">
  {/* portal content will be rendered here! */}





`name` of target `portal-destination`.

- Type:     string
- Required: true


Unique identifier, defaults to the provided `to` value.

Will require an explicit unique value when the target destination's
  `transfer-mode` is set to "Multiple"`.

- Type:     string
- Required: false


Determines the position that the portal content will render to
  in the `portal-destination`.

- Type:     (number | "First" | "Last")
- Required: false




Unique identifier.

- Type:     string
- Required: true


When set to "Single", an error will be thrown if more than one
  `portal-entrance` attempts to transfer its contents.
When set to "Multiple", there is no limitation of portal content transfers.

- Type:     ("Single" | "Multiple")
- Required: false
- Default:  "Single"


When set to "Destroy", the portal contents will be destroyed
  when the destination is unmounted.
When set to "Persist", the portal contents will be transferred
  back to the (hidden) `portal-entrance` when the destination is unmounted.
If the destination is remounted, the existing portal contents
  will be transferred without requiring them to be rendered again.

- Type:     ("Destroy" | "Persist")
- Required: false
- Default:  "Persist"


Determines the position that portal content will be rendered to,
  when an explicit `position` property has not been set on a `portal-entrance`.

- Type:     ("First" | "Last")
- Required: false
- Default:  "Last"


How It Works

portal-entrance components are rendered to body > portal-root, which is hidden via display:none.

portal-destination components render at their point of definition.

The portal-entrance and corresponding portal-destination can be rendered in any order, and the transfer will be initiated as soon as both exist. Portal contents are transferred to the destination via a generated portal-transport component. From this point forward, the transport is used to move the contents between the entrance & destination.

Resource tags [link, script, etc.] are excluded from the transport, and are stored in their original point of entry within portal-root. This prevents style flashes & duplicate script execution.