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Dudrie edited this page Oct 17, 2020 · 2 revisions

⚠ The wiki got moved to a new documentation. The information you find here might be outdated or inaccurate.

Update GitHub Actions

This repository contains a GitHub action which automatically builds and published docker images after a release inside the repository gets published. These images get pushed to the GitHub Container Repository. However, this means that you have to adjust the credentials used for this action if you want to publish your your own Docker images. To do so just follow these steps:

💡 You could also just completly remove the action. In this case you have to make sure to not commit the removed action file in any PRs made to the parent repository!

  1. Generate a new Personal Access Token (PAT) and copy it for the next step. Make sure you follow the guide lines in the official GitHub guide for generating a PAT for the Container Repository and to set the permission described there.

    ⚠ The PAT has to belong to the user who owns the repository!

  2. Add the PAT as a secret to your fork and name it GH_REGISTRY_TOKEN. Go to Settings > Secrets on your repository page to do so. If you change the name of this token you have to follow the next step aswell.

  3. (Only if you changed the name of the token) Replace the GH_REGISTRY_TOKEN name inside the workflow file (.github/workflows/build-push-docker.yml) in the login step to your name.

    # Login to repository
    - name: Login to DockerHub
      uses: docker/login-action@v1
        username: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
        password: ${{ secrets.GH_REGISTRY_TOKEN }}