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41 lines (25 loc) · 1.53 KB

File metadata and controls

41 lines (25 loc) · 1.53 KB



Getting Help

I monitor StackOverflow under the SWXMLHash tag and try to answer questions there when possible - that is likely a better place to ask questions than in the Issues section here.

Reporting Issues

When reporting issues, please include:

  • Which version of Xcode you're using
  • Which OS or platform you're targetting
  • Any stack trace or compiler error
  • Code snippets that reproduce the behavior

Both bug reports and feature requests are welcome!


SWXMLHash currently uses Quick and Nimble for its tests. To get these dependencies, you'll need to have Carthage installed. Once it is installed, you should be able to just run carthage update.

To run the tests, you can either run them from within Xcode or you can run rake test.

The coding style used is dictacted by SwiftLint. You can get SwiftLint by running brew install swiftlint. To run it, just clone the repository and run swiftlint. There is a .swiftlint.yml for lint configuration.

Prior to submitting a pull request, please verify that:

  • The code compiles
  • All tests pass
  • SwiftLint reports no issues

Thank You

Thanks for your interest in contributing to SWXMLHash!