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Installing the prerequisites

$ apt update
$ apt install git gcc g++ make python3-dev python3-pip libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev zlib1g-dev gettext curl redis-server
$ curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
$ apt install nodejs
$ npm install -g sass postcss-cli postcss autoprefixer

Creating the database

Next, we will set up the database using MariaDB. The DMOJ is only tested to work with MySQL, and it is unlikely to work with anything else. Please visit the MariaDB site and follow the download instructions.

When asked, you should select the latest MariaDB version.

$ apt update
$ apt install mariadb-server libmysqlclient-dev

You will required to create a root password for MariaDB. It's a good idea to remember it!

Next, we should set up the database itself. You will be asked for the root password you just set, after which you should execute the commands listed below to create the necessary database.

$ mysql -uroot -p
mariadb> CREATE DATABASE dmoj DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;
mariadb> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dmoj.* to 'dmoj'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';
mariadb> exit

Installing prerequisites

Now that you are done, you can start installing the site. First, create a virtual environment and activate it. Here, we'll create a virtual environment named dmojsite.

$ python3 -m venv dmojsite
$ . dmojsite/bin/activate

You should see (dmojsite) prepended to your shell. Henceforth, (dmojsite) commands assumes you are in the code directory, with virtual environment active.

?> The virtual environment will help keep the modules needed separate from the system package manager, and save you many headaches when updating. Read more about virtual environments here.

Now, fetch the site source code. If you plan to install a judge from PyPI, check out a matching version of the site repository. For example, for judge v2.1.0:

(dmojsite) $ git clone
(dmojsite) $ cd site
(dmojsite) $ git checkout v2.1.0  # only if planning to install a judge from PyPI, otherwise skip this step
(dmojsite) $ git submodule init
(dmojsite) $ git submodule update

Install Python dependencies into the virtual environment.

(dmojsite) $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
(dmojsite) $ pip3 install mysqlclient

You will now need to configure dmoj/ You should make a copy of this sample settings file and read through it, making changes as necessary. Most importantly, you will want to update MariaDB credentials.

?> Leave debug mode on for now; we'll disable it later after we've verified that the site works.

Generally, it's recommended that you add your settings in dmoj/ rather than modifying dmoj/ directly. will automatically read and load it, so write your configuration there.

Now, you should verify that everything is going according to plan.

(dmojsite) $ python3 check

Compiling assets

DMOJ uses sass and autoprefixer to generate the site stylesheets. DMOJ comes with a script that may be ran to compile and optimize the stylesheets.

(dmojsite) $ ./

Now, collect static files into STATIC_ROOT as specified in dmoj/

(dmojsite) $ python3 collectstatic

You will also need to generate internationalization files.

(dmojsite) $ python3 compilemessages
(dmojsite) $ python3 compilejsi18n

Setting up database tables

We must generate the schema for the database, since it is currently empty.

(dmojsite) $ python3 migrate

Next, load some initial data so that your install is not entirely blank.

(dmojsite) $ python3 loaddata navbar
(dmojsite) $ python3 loaddata language_small
(dmojsite) $ python3 loaddata demo

!> Keep in mind that the demo fixture creates a superuser account with a username and password of admin. If your site is exposed to others, you should change the user's password or remove the user entirely.

You should create an admin account with which to log in initially.

(dmojsite) $ python3 createsuperuser

Setting up Celery

The DMOJ uses Celery workers to perform most of its heavy lifting, such as batch rescoring submissions. We will use Redis as its broker, though note that other brokers that Celery supports will work as well.

Start up the Redis server, which is needed by the Celery workers.

$ service redis-server start

Configure by uncommenting CELERY_BROKER_URL and CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND. By default, Redis listens on localhost port 6379, which is reflected in You will need to update the addresses if you changed Redis's settings.

We will test that Celery works soon.

Running the server

At this point, you should attempt to run the server, and see if it all works.

(dmojsite) $ python3 runserver

You should Ctrl-C to exit after verifying.

!> Do not use runserver in production!

We will set up a proper webserver using nginx and uWSGI soon.

You should also test to see if bridged runs.

(dmojsite) $ python3 runbridged

If there are no errors after about 10 seconds, it probably works. You should Ctrl-C to exit.

Next, test that the Celery workers run.

(dmojsite) $ celery -A dmoj_celery worker

You can Ctrl-C to exit.

Setting up uWSGI

runserver is insecure and not meant for production workloads, and should not be used beyond testing. In the rest of this guide, we will be installing uwsgi and nginx to serve the site, using supervisord to keep site and bridged running. It's likely other configurations may work, but they are unsupported.

First, copy our uwsgi.ini (link). You should change the paths to reflect your install.

You need to install uwsgi.

(dmojsite) $ pip3 install uwsgi

To test, run:

(dmojsite) $ uwsgi --ini uwsgi.ini

If it says workers are spawned, it probably works. You should Ctrl-C to exit.

Setting up supervisord

You should now install supervisord and configure it.

$ apt install supervisor

Copy our site.conf (link) to /etc/supervisor/conf.d/site.conf, bridged.conf (link) to /etc/supervisor/conf.d/bridged.conf, celery.conf (link) to /etc/supervisor/conf.d/celery.conf and fill in the fields.

Next, reload supervisord and check that the site, bridge, and celery have started.

$ supervisorctl update
$ supervisorctl status

If all three processes are running, everything is good! Otherwise, peek at the logs and see what's wrong.

Setting up nginx

Now, it's time to set up nginx.

$ apt install nginx

You should copy the sample nginx.conf (link), edit it and place it in wherever it is supposed to be for your nginx install.

?> Typically, nginx site files are located in /etc/nginx/conf.d. Some installations might place it at /etc/nginx/sites-available and require a symlink in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled.

Next, check if there are any issues with your nginx setup.

$ nginx -t

If not, reload the nginx configuration.

$ service nginx reload

You should be good to go. Visit the site at where you set it up to verify.

If it does not work, check nginx logs and uwsgi log stdout/stderr for details.

?> Now that your site is installed, remember to set DEBUG to False in local_settings. Leaving it True is a security risk.

Configuration of event server

Create config.js. This assumes you use nginx, or there be dragons. You may need to shuffle ports if they are already used.

(dmojsite) $ cat > websocket/config.js
module.exports = {
    get_host: '',
    get_port: 15100,
    post_host: '',
    post_port: 15101,
    http_host: '',
    http_port: 15102,
    long_poll_timeout: 29000,

get_port should be the same as the port for /event/ in nginx.conf http_port should be the same as the port for /channels/ in nginx.conf post_port should be the same as the port in EVENT_DAEMON_POST in local_settings. You need to configure EVENT_DAEMON_GET and EVENT_DAEMON_POLL. You need to uncomment the relevant section in the nginx configuration.

Need to install the dependencies.

(dmojsite) $ npm install qu ws simplesets
(dmojsite) $ pip3 install websocket-client

Now copy wsevent.conf (link) to /etc/supervisor/conf.d/wsevent.conf, changing paths, and then update supervisor and nginx.

$ supervisorctl update
$ supervisorctl restart bridged
$ supervisorctl restart site
$ service nginx restart