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File metadata and controls

103 lines (70 loc) · 2.27 KB

Feature Flags

Sometimes, you want library consumers to be able to change the behavior of your library. You've used this when you specified features = [ "derive" ] with Serde and other crates.

This is live-coded. The Github version uses this library and this client

Create two new applications:

cargo new feature_lib --lib
cargo new feature_exe

Let's start with flags_lib/Cargo.toml:

name = "flags_lib"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

default = [ "normal" ]
normal = []
other = []


We've created a normal and other feature. The [] indicates that they don't turn on other features. default indicates that if you don't specify defaults, normal will be active.

Now open flags_lib/

pub const MODE: &str = "NORMAL";
pub const MODE: &str = "OTHER";

Defining a constant and redefining it doesn't work. But you can see what we're trying to do. Let's require features to enable this constant:

#[cfg(feature = "normal")]
pub const MODE: &str = "NORMAL";

#[cfg(feature = "other")]
pub const MODE: &str = "OTHER";

Now if feature is "normal", MODE will equal NORMAL. If "other" is enabled, mode will equal OTHER.

Open up flags_exe\Cargo.toml:

name = "flags_exe"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

# See more keys and their definitions at

flags_lib = { path = "../flags_lib" }

And the file:

use flags_lib::MODE;

fn main() {

If we cargo run, we see:


Now edit Cargo.toml again:

flags_lib = { path = "../flags_lib", default_features = false, features = [ "other" ] }

Running the program shows OTHER.

Feature Flag Conditionals

You'll also notice that VSCode has lit up in red. You can't define a constant twice, and it's possible to leave default_features enabled and also enable other.

So we add conditions to our feature flags:

#[cfg(all(not(feature = "other"), feature = "normal"))]
pub const MODE: &str = "NORMAL";

#[cfg(all(not(feature = "normal"), feature = "other"))]
pub const MODE: &str = "OTHER";

Unfortunately, you need to start using external crates to make this cleaner.