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231 lines (177 loc) · 6.63 KB

Complicated Generic Data

The previous example was deliberately straightforward, to let you see how generic data works. When you start to build more complicated generic data-types, you start to have to mix your knowledge of generic data and generic functions together.

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Let's make a key-value store that itself stores a vector of results:

use std::collections::HashMap;

struct HashSetData<KEY, VALUE> {
    data: HashMap<KEY, Vec<VALUE>>

impl <KEY, VALUE> HashSetData<KEY, VALUE> {
    fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            data: HashMap::new()

This compiles! Your HashSetData has a generic KEY and a generic VALUE type - just like a HashMap. Each entry in turn stores its own vector of the data. Your constructor works. Great!

Now let's add a function to add data to the data-structure:

fn add_reading(&mut self, key: KEY, reading: VALUE) {
    if let Some(entry) = {
    } else {, vec![reading]);

Straightforward enough:

  • If an entry exists for a given KEY, append the reading to the key's vector.
  • If an entry does NOT exist, insert a new entry with the specified KEY and the new reading as the vector's only occupant.

This won't compile, but the error messages tell you exactly why not:

error[E0599]: the method `get_mut` exists for struct `HashMap<KEY, Vec<VALUE>>`, but its trait bounds were not satisfied
  --> src\generic_data_complex\src\
15 |         if let Some(entry) = {
   |                                        ^^^^^^^ method cannot be called on `HashMap<KEY, Vec<VALUE>>` due to unsatisfied trait bounds
   = note: the following trait bounds were not satisfied:
           `KEY: Eq`
           `KEY: Hash`

error[E0599]: the method `insert` exists for struct `HashMap<KEY, Vec<VALUE>>`, but its trait bounds were not satisfied
  --> src\generic_data_complex\src\
18 |   , vec![reading]);
   |                       ^^^^^^
   = note: the following trait bounds were not satisfied:
           `KEY: Eq`
           `KEY: Hash`

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0599`.
error: could not compile `generic_data_complex` due to 2 previous errors

It's the same error, twice:

  • KEY must support Eq---strong equality.
  • KEY must support Hash---being passed to a hashing function and turned into a hash.

Both of those requirements make sense for a HashMap: you have to be able to generate hashes, and compare values.

To add this requirement, it might seem logical to add the requirement to the structure itself:

struct HashSetData<KEY, VALUE> 
where KEY: Eq + Hash
    data: HashMap<KEY, Vec<VALUE>>

This turns into an error message the the impl block also needs the same restrictions:

impl <KEY, VALUE> HashSetData<KEY, VALUE> 
where KEY: Eq + Hash

That works! You've successfully restricted your structure to data types that conform to the trait requirements. You can update your main function to use the new type:

fn main() {
    let mut readings = HashSetData::<usize, i32>::new();
    readings.add_reading(1, -2);
    readings.add_reading(1, 3);
    readings.add_reading(1, 5);
    readings.add_reading(2, 1);

Let's prove that it works by adding println!("{readings:?})"); to the end. That gives an error, so we add #[derive(Debug)] to our type.

Great! We can now show that it worked:

HashSetData { data: {1: [-2, 3, 5], 2: [1]} }

Let's change the data type to a custom structure.

struct Data(i32);

fn main() {
    let mut readings = HashSetData::<usize, Data>::new();
    readings.add_reading(1, Data(-2));
    readings.add_reading(1, Data(3));
    readings.add_reading(1, Data(5));
    readings.add_reading(2, Data(1));

Once again, we're told to annotate Data with Debug. Suppose we want to make it really obvious that you can only add debuggable types to the structure. We change BOTH struct requirements to read:

where KEY: Eq + Hash, VALUE: Debug

That changes the error location to the declaration of readings---it's clear up-front that it isn't going to work without Debug values.

We can derive Debug on data, and we're all good:

HashSetData { data: {2: [Data(1)], 1: [Data(-2), Data(3), Data(5)]} }

Let's go a step further. Data is actually coming from a sensor somewhere, and we only care about averaging the results.

We add a skeleton function:

fn print_results(&self) {
    for (key, value) in {

Huh - we don't know what VALUE is, so we don't know how to average it! We also don't necessarily want to force a sensor to handle readings the same way. So we make a new trait:

trait Sensor {
    fn reading(&self) -> i32;

Now we can require that our structure only store things that implement Sensor:

where KEY: Eq + Hash, VALUE: Debug + Sensor

Which leaves implementing Sensor on Data:

impl Sensor for Data {
    fn reading(&self) -> i32 {

Now we can implement our function:

fn print_results(&self) {
    for (key, value) in {
        let sum: i32 = value.iter().map(|r| r.reading()).sum();
        let avg = sum / value.len() as i32;
        println!("{key} : {avg}");

And - oh no, it fails to compile because we aren't guaranteeing that we can print out the key. Rust is very picky: the constraints have to make sense for everything you do. Fortunately, the compiler error tells you exactly what we need to do:

consider further restricting this bound: ` + std::fmt::Display`

So our final structure where clause looks like this:

struct HashSetData<KEY, VALUE> 
where KEY: Eq + Hash + std::fmt::Display, VALUE: Debug + Sensor
    data: HashMap<KEY, Vec<VALUE>>

impl <KEY, VALUE> HashSetData<KEY, VALUE> 
where KEY: Eq + Hash + std::fmt::Display, VALUE: Debug + Sensor

Rust makes it easy to add generic types, but unlike many other languages all of the deduction happens at compile time. You need to carefully consider your traits, and build something that works.

We update our main function to use the new capability:

fn main() {
    let mut readings = HashSetData::<usize, Data>::new();
    readings.add_reading(1, Data(-2));
    readings.add_reading(1, Data(3));
    readings.add_reading(1, Data(5));
    readings.add_reading(2, Data(1));

And run it:

2 : 1
1 : 2