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Using Rayon

Rayon is a popular Rust crate that provides easy-to-use solutions for CPU bound problems. Rayon:

  • Uses a work-stealing thread pool for tasks.
  • Offers par_iter to readily transform regular iterator tasks into parallel tasks.
  • Is a lot like Intel's Threaded Building Blocks library, but with less pain.

This is live-coded. For the Github, see here

We'll start by making a new project and adding it to our workspace.

cargo init count_primes_rayon

(Edit [members])

Then we add Rayon to the dependencies:

cargo add rayon

Now, let's transform our prime counter into an iterator chain:

fn is_prime(n: u32) -> bool {
    (2 ..= n/2).all(|i| n % i != 0 )

fn main() {
    const MAX:u32 = 200000;
    let now = std::time::Instant::now();

    let count = (2..MAX)
        .filter(|n| is_prime(*n))

    let duration = now.elapsed();
    println!("Found {count} primes in {} seconds", duration.as_secs_f32());

There's no parallelism here. Running it shows that it performs about equally to our single-threaded loop:

cargo run --release
Found 17986 primes in 1.0798844 seconds

This is live-coded. For the Github, see here

Let's use Rayon. In the iterator chain, we need to add one line:

let count = (2..MAX)
    .filter(|n| is_prime(*n))

This will flag errors in the IDE. Let's use it to find the required imports. We end up with:

use rayon::prelude::{IntoParallelIterator, ParallelIterator};

Now when we run the program:

cargo run --release
Found 17984 primes in 0.1061489 seconds

That was almost too easy. Rayon makes it very easy to build parallel versions of existing iterator calculations.

Rayon Can Manage Your Threads

We're live coding, the Github example is here

Rayon can manage your threads, but because it's task oriented it works a little differently. This won't work:

use std::{thread::sleep, time::Duration};
use rayon::spawn;

fn hello(n: u64) {
    println!("Hello from thread {n}");
    println!("Bye from thread {n}");

fn main() {
    let mut threads = Vec::new();
    for i in 0..8 {
        let my_i = i;
        threads.push(spawn(move || hello(my_i)));
    for t in threads {

Instead, Rayon combines jobs inside a scope - and a scope waits until all child jobs have finished:

use std::{thread::sleep, time::Duration};

fn hello(n: u64) {
    println!("Hello from thread {n}");
    println!("Bye from thread {n}");

fn main() {
    rayon::scope(|s| {
        for i in 0..8 {
            let my_i = i;
            s.spawn(move |_| hello(my_i));


Between these constructs, Rayon is often the best choice for taming CPU bound problems. Best of all: all of the data-race safety still works in Rayon.