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Modules and Visibility

Our authentication system is getting pretty messy, and cleaning it up provides an opportunity to tackle one of the things that newcomers to Rust often find tricky at first---modules and visibility.

We'll be live-coding this section. The GitHub source is here. We'll also touch client code, represented in GitHub here

So what is a module? A module is a way of grouping code together. It acts as a namespace. Modules also enforce privacy. You have very tight control over what can be accessed inside a module from the rest of your program. That's helpful for hiding implementation details, keeping users out of the parts you don't want them touching, and presenting a clean API to the outside world.

Terminology Time

  • A module is a sub-group of code within a crate.
  • A crate is a combined unit of code, combining modules together. It's either executable or a library.

There's actually three different ways to build a module in Rust.

Module Method 1: Using mod blocks

Let's move the User structure and its implementation into a module we declare with mod. You just have to wrap it in a mod block:

mod user {
    #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
    pub struct User {
        pub username: String,
        pub password: String,
        pub action: LoginAction,

    impl User {
        pub fn new(username: &str, password: &str, action: LoginAction) -> Self {
            Self {
                username: username.to_string(),
                password: hash_password(password),

You'll notice that Visual Studio Code has lit up like a Christmas tree with errors!

That's ok---this is what we're here for, learning how modules work. Everything that isn't in the module is now showing up as an error. That's because: modules don't inherit use statements from their parent super-module.

Further down in, you'll see that the rest of the code has developed a number of errors too:

These errors are occurring because User is no longer in the top-level module. Modules don't automatically use anything in child modules.

Accessing Child Modules

In this case, resolving the top-level access to User is as simple as adding one line to the top of the file:

use user::User;

You can also replace every instance of User with user::User if you prefer.

The child module acts as a namespace.

Imports Within a Module

Now let's fix the first set of errors. In VSCode, you can press ctrl plus period while on an error (or select "quick fixes" from the popup error). One of the suggestions is to "Import serde::Serialize". Let's do that. Notice that the import has appeared at the top of the module block:

mod user {
    use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};

    #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
    pub struct User {
        pub username: String,
        pub password: String,
        pub action: LoginAction,

    impl User {
        pub fn new(username: &str, password: &str, action: LoginAction) -> Self {
            Self {
                username: username.to_string(),
                password: hash_password(password),

Let's fix access to hash_password. You actually have two choices here:

  • use super::hash_password - you can always refer to the parent module as super::.
  • use crate::hash_password - you can refer to the top of the current crate's tree as crate::.

And here it is, working again:

mod user {
    use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
    use crate::{LoginAction, hash_password};

    #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
    pub struct User {
        pub username: String,
        pub password: String,
        pub action: LoginAction,

    impl User {
        pub fn new(username: &str, password: &str, action: LoginAction) -> Self {
            Self {
                username: username.to_string(),
                password: hash_password(password),

Access from Outside the Crate

Let's pop over to the Login program. We'll add one line of code:

let test = User::new("test", "test", LoginAction::Accept(Role::Admin));

Notice that it flags an error: failed to resolve: use of undeclared type "User". This is despite us having a use authentication::* at the top of the file, User being marked as pub, and use user::User being in the top-level of your file. This is happening because modules are not exported by default.

The module itself is private! If we change the module declaration to:

pub mod user {

We still can't get to User in If we change the line to:

let test = user::User::new("test", "test", LoginAction::Accept(Role::Admin));

We're importing authentication - and it has a public module named user. So we can get to authentication::user::User by accessing the public module. This is good if you're building a large library and want to separate the API into modules for your users. In this case, it's overkill---it's a very tightly focused library.

So let's undo the pub mod change and instead change to:

pub use user::User;

We can change to read:

let test = User::new("test", "test", LoginAction::Accept(Role::Admin));

And User is now exported from the top-level of, despite being declared in a module. This is a great option if you have your code divided into modules, but want to offer a simple API to library consumers.

Struct Members Visibility

In, the login function accesses the password field of the User structure. That's ok, because it's public:

pub password: String,

Let's change that to just password: String,. As expected, the login function complains that it can't access the password field. But what if we want to be able to access the field in login, but not from other programs? We can do that with pub(crate):

pub(crate) password: String,

The login function can access password once again, but if you go over to fails:

let test = User::new("test", "test", LoginAction::Accept(Role::Admin));
println!("{}", test.password);

Module Method 2: A Separate File

We'll be live-coding this section. The GitHub source is here.

Let's quickly undo our mod user change.

Many programmers---myself included---prefer to divide their code up into lots of files. There's some advantages to doing this:

  • It's easier to read short files that keep similar content together.
  • Compilation is faster---Cargo can divide compilation between files, allowing it to compile multiple parts of your program at once.

Let's create a new file in the src directory, named We'll cut and paste the User structure and its implementation into the new file.

Notice that we immediately see some errors. Rust has no idea that User exists. If you look at's not showing any errors, despite there being some! That's because: adding a file to the src folder does not make it part of the program. This is deliberate, because in some cases you want to use conditional compilation to decide if a file should be included in the build at all.

You can add your file to your program by adding the following to

mod user;

And is red. The errors are exactly what we ran into before. So in add:

pub use user::User;

And at the top of, add:

use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use crate::{LoginAction, hash_password};

Having a module inside a file---and referencing it with mod <filename>; is exactly the same as using a mod statement.

Module Method 3: Multi-File Modules

Following the principle of "really short files", let's make a multi-file module holding our Role, DeniedReason, and LoginAction types. It's probably overkill to have one type per file, but it leaves room for growth.

In your src directory, create a new directory named login_action. In the new folder, create a file named Your directory structure now looks like this:

│   Cargo.toml

Now make another file, in the src/login_action directory and move Role into it. Do the same for DeniedReason and LoginAction.

As expected, errors appear! Once again, you have to add login_action to the project. In, add:

mod login_action;

We still can't access the LoginAction, Role and DeniedReason types from That's because modules follow the same rules: they also need to be explicitly told to include files in your project.

So in login_action/, add the following to enable the files:

mod denied_reason;
mod login_action;
mod role;

And now we have a sea of red error markers. In particular, we see lots of: enum "crate::login_action::login_action::LoginAction" exists but is inaccessible. In, add the following:

pub use login_action::*;

It didn't help! Our login_action module isn't exporting anything, so its types are inaccessible. Add the following to login_action/

pub use denied_reason::DeniedReason;
pub use login_action::LoginAction;
pub use role::Role;

That's cleared up all the access issues in We still have to add some imports to the three child modules we created:

use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};

The action file is still showing errors. It needs to import Role and DeniedReason from sibling modules:

use crate::{Role, DeniedReason};

We published them at the crate route, so we can access them that way. super:: would also work.

Finally, notice that we're not relying on Serialize or Deserialize at the top of anymore, so we can remove that line.


Let's say that you expect everyone who uses your authentication library to need to be able to use Serde (as opposed to just having the library do it). You could mandate that they all add serde to their Cargo.toml file---or you could re-export it.

Open, and add the following:

pub mod serde {
    pub use serde::*;

Now over in in the login program, we'll do a quick test (and then remove it):

use authentication::serde::Serialize;

Now your library users don't have to remember to add their own dependencies.


One last tip: it's common to create a module in your library's root named prelude, and pub use the important things you want to share in there. Nothing mandates it, but this convention makes it easy for users to find the important types.

It's Modules All The Way Down. You can nest modules inside modules, inside more modules.