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This session is live coded. The GitHub repo entry is here

You probably want more options than just to say "yes" or "no" to a user. Let's return to the authentication workspace member and open

Enumerations should be familiar from other languages. Let's create a simple one for logins:

pub enum LoginAction {

If you're used to C, Java or similar this should look very familiar. Just like C, enumerations like this one are also stored numerically and you can cast a value with as (number).

Now we can create a login function with more options:

pub fn login(name: &str) -> LoginAction {
    match name.to_lowercase().trim() {
        "herbert" => LoginAction::Admin,
        "bob" | "fred" => LoginAction::User,
        _ => LoginAction::Denied,

What's new here?

  • The function is returning the enum type we crated.
  • We're using match instead of if statements. Pattern matching is central to a lot of Rust's expressive power.
  • Match statements follow the syntax (pattern) => expression.
  • We use | to mean or in match statements. It's || in if statements!
  • The _ means "default".
  • Rust's pattern matching system is very powerful and has many options. The Rust Language documentation details more options
fn test_enums() {
    assert_eq!(login("Herbert"), LoginAction::Admin);
    assert_eq!(login("bob"), LoginAction::User);
    assert_eq!(login("fred"), LoginAction::User);
    assert_eq!(login("anonymous"), LoginAction::Denied);

Oops - now everything is red. Enumerations don't implement an equality check by default. They also don't support debug printing by default. Fortunately, it's easy to add:

#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum LoginAction {

#[derive] can add a lot of implementations to your code automatically. It's even possible to write your own derivations with procedural macros, but that's a more advanced topic than we'll get to today.

You can expand derive macros, too. In this case, it's added some simple code:

// Recursive expansion of PartialEq! macro
// ========================================

impl core::cmp::PartialEq for LoginAction {}

PartialEq is a trait. Traits are interfaces that describe the capabilities of a type. In this case, you're telling Rust that LoginAction can be compared with itself for equality.

With that in place, we can run cargo test and our unit test succeeds.

running 4 tests
test tests::test_enums ... ok
test tests::test_case_and_trim ... ok
test tests::test_greet_user ... ok
test tests::test_login_fail ... ok

As you can see, you can use Rust enumerations just like enumerations in other languages. Alternatively, you can start to more richly express yourself!

Let's update the login client

This session is live coded. The GitHub repo entry is here

Open login again, and we'll change things around a little:

use auth_enum::{login, LoginAction};

fn main() {
    println!("Welcome to the (Not Very) Secure Server");
    println!("Enter your username:");
    let mut input = String::new();
    let stdin = std::io::stdin();
    stdin.read_line(&mut input).unwrap();

    match login(&input) {
        LoginAction::Admin => println!("You are administrator"),
        LoginAction::User => println!("You have regular user rights"),
        LoginAction::Denied => println!("You are not allowed in"),

We're using the new login function, and performing a match on the result. Just like we did in the unit test.

In a real system, you want to convey more than just a role.

Test this: login as each user in turn.

Enumerations with Variables

This session is live coded. The GitHub repo entry is here

Let's create a new enumeration for user roles:

#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum Role {

Let's also create an enumeration for access being denied:

#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum DeniedReason {
    AccountLocked{reason: String},

What's this? reason is attached to AccountLocked. This works because Rust enumerations share a lot in common with union types in other languages. You can attach variables to individual entries.

Enumerations with data are the size of the largest member. A String occupies two usize variables: the length of the string and a pointer to the string data. Don't go too nuts adding complicated data to enum types!

Now let's modify our initial LoginAction enum to be a bit more specific:

#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum LoginAction {

This is another way to wrap variables in an enum: you can use them as a tuple. Each enum entry has an interior type storing either role or denied reason.

Let's update login to use these types:

pub fn login(name: &str) -> LoginAction {
    match name.to_lowercase().trim() {
        "herbert" => LoginAction::Accept(Role::Admin),
        "bob" => LoginAction::Accept(Role::User),
        "fred" => LoginAction::Denied(DeniedReason::PasswordExpired),
        _ => LoginAction::Denied(DeniedReason::AccountLocked { reason: "Not on the list".to_string() })

"Not on the list" isn't a great reason, but we're going to deal with non-existent users in a moment. Let's update our unit test to work with these options:

fn test_enums() {
    assert_eq!(login("Herbert"), LoginAction::Accept(Role::Admin));
    assert_eq!(login("bob"), LoginAction::Accept(Role::User));
    assert_eq!(login("fred"), LoginAction::Denied(DeniedReason::PasswordExpired));
    assert_eq!(login("anonymous"), LoginAction::Denied(DeniedReason::AccountLocked { reason: "Not on the list".to_string() }));

Not being on the list isn't necessarily a reason for denial in many systems---it might be an opportunity to sign someone up. Instead of a role, we want to express that there may be a user account---or there may not. If there is, it has the characteristics we've described. If there isn't an account, we want to clearly express that.

Optional Users

This session is live coded. The GitHub repo entry is here

Let's extend login to include an Option - a type that either has or doesn't have a value. It's the closest you'll get in safe Rust to a NULL, but forces you to check it---avoiding a lot of the NULL problems found in other languages.

pub fn login(name: &str) -> Option<LoginAction> {
    match name.to_lowercase().trim() {
        "herbert" => Some(LoginAction::Accept(Role::Admin)),
        "bob" => Some(LoginAction::Accept(Role::User)),
        "fred" => Some(LoginAction::Denied(DeniedReason::PasswordExpired)),
        "kevin" => Some(LoginAction::Denied(DeniedReason::AccountLocked { reason: "Call Human Resources!".to_string() })),
        _ => None,

Now we've changed the return type to Option<LoginAction>. That means that every response must be Some(..) or None.

Let's update the unit test to match:

fn test_enums() {
    assert_eq!(login("Herbert"), Some(LoginAction::Accept(Role::Admin)));
    assert_eq!(login("bob"), Some(LoginAction::Accept(Role::User)));
    assert_eq!(login("fred"), Some(LoginAction::Denied(DeniedReason::PasswordExpired)));
    assert_eq!(login("kevin"), Some(LoginAction::Denied(DeniedReason::AccountLocked { reason: "Call Human Resources!".to_string() })));
    assert_eq!(login("anonymous"), None);

It's pretty tedious to keep typing "Call Human Resources!"---and the message might vary. Let's change the test to use a different structure:

fn test_enums() {
    assert_eq!(login("Herbert"), Some(LoginAction::Accept(Role::Admin)));
    assert_eq!(login("bob"), Some(LoginAction::Accept(Role::User)));
    assert_eq!(login("fred"), Some(LoginAction::Denied(DeniedReason::PasswordExpired)));
    assert_eq!(login("anonymous"), None);
    if let Some(LoginAction::Denied(DeniedReason::AccountLocked { reason: _ })) = login("kevin") {
        // All is well
    } else {
        panic!("Failed to read kevin");

if let is the same as a match statement, with only one pattern to match. If the pattern matches, the inner scope executes - otherwise the else runs. It'll make a little more sense in a moment.

Running cargo test shows that our code is still in good shape.

Pattern Matching Login Client

This session is live coded. The GitHub repo entry is here

Switch back to the login workspace and let's build an expressive match to handle all eventualities:

use auth_enum3::{login, LoginAction, Role, DeniedReason};

fn main() {
    println!("Welcome to the (Not Very) Secure Server");
    println!("Enter your username:");
    let mut input = String::new();
    let stdin = std::io::stdin();
    stdin.read_line(&mut input).unwrap();

    match login(&input) {
        None => {
            println!("{} is not a known user.", input.trim());
            println!("This is where we handle new users.");
        Some(LoginAction::Accept(role)) => {
            println!("Welcome: {}", input.trim());
            match role {
                Role::Admin => println!("With great power, comes great responsibility."),
                Role::Limited => println!("You have read-only access."),
                Role::User => println!("You have regular user access"),
        Some(LoginAction::Denied(DeniedReason::PasswordExpired)) => {
            println!("Unfortunately, your password has expired.");
            println!("It needs to 800 characters long and contain an entire sonnet.");
        Some(LoginAction::Denied(DeniedReason::AccountLocked { reason })) => {
            println!("Sorry, {}, your login was denied.", input.trim());
            println!("Reason: {reason}");

There's a lot to process here:

  • match can handle nested structures. None is easy, but Some(..) can wrap possible contents.
  • You can capture variables from inside a statement. We're doing that for role and reason - just make sure that the variable aligns with the layout of the enumeration.
  • You can ignore variables by either marking them reason: _ or .. to ignore all of them.
  • You can nest match statements.
  • There's no fall-through: no need to break.

And best of all, the compiler will warn you if you add an enumeration and forget to check it. In the live demo, temporarily add another Role, and watch the error light up.

Enumerations can Contain Functions

This session is live coded. The GitHub repo entry is here

Enumerations can contain complex data, they can also contain functions. There are two major types of function that can be implemented inside an enum: associated functions and member functions. Let's start by making a constructor to reduce our typing a bit:

impl LoginAction {
    fn standard_user() -> Self {

There's altogether too many types of self in Rust.

  • Self (uppercase) refers to the type itself. The constructor returns a variable of its type.
  • The function declaration standard_user() does not contain any reference to self - making it an associated function.

You can use the constructor to change Bob's creation:

// WAS:
"bob" => Some(LoginAction::Accept(Role::User)),
// NOW:
"bob" => Some(LoginAction::standard_user()),

Since we're only going to be returning standard users who exist, let's clean up one stage further:

impl LoginAction {
    fn standard_user() -> Option<Self> {

That lets us further simplify the bob case to:

"bob" => LoginAction::standard_user(),

Constructors are great for reducing the amount of typing you do. Associated functions can interact with the type (Self), but they can't interact with the content of any particular variable. To do that, you need a member function. Let's create a login handler that doesn't assume any of the functionality from the parent project:

pub fn do_login(&self, on_success: fn(&Role), on_denied: fn(&DeniedReason)) {
    match self {
        Self::Accept(role) => on_success(role),
        Self::Denied(reason) => on_denied(reason),

There's some new things here:

  • &self means "provide a read-only reference to myself". The function can see the current value.
  • fn(&Role) and fn(&DeniedReason) are function pointers. You can pass in a function as a parameter, and call that function inside the function. This is really useful for separating roles in your project: the enumeration doesn't have to know anything about what you're doing inside those functions, it just has to know how to call them.

Using do_login in the login program

This session is live coded. The GitHub repo entry is here

Open up the login project again. Let's change as follows:

use auth_enum_fn::*;

fn user_accepted(role: &Role) {
    println!("You are logged in as a {role:?}");

fn main() {
    println!("Welcome to the (Not Very) Secure Server");
    println!("Enter your username:");
    let mut input = String::new();
    let stdin = std::io::stdin();
    stdin.read_line(&mut input).unwrap();

    match login(&input) {
        None => {
            println!("{} is not a known user.", input.trim());
            println!("This is where we handle new users.");
        Some(login_action) => {
                |reason| {
                    println!("Access denied!");

Things to notice:

  • user_accepted is a regular function.
  • {:?} is a format macro shorthand for "print the debug representation"
  • The do_login function accepted user_accepted as a parameter. The enumeration's function receives this as a pointer, and calls back to it.
  • For "denied", we used a closure. In this case, we're just writing an inline function.