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  • Git
  • Python 2 w/ pip and friends
  • GNU gettext
  • Docker and Docker Compose (optional)
  • Travis Tool (optional)

Installing Python 2 Virtualenv

Warning: Python 2 w/ pip is no longer available on e.g. Arch Linux. Skip this step.

Download and install Python 2 and Python 2 pip. Be careful with python and pip since either version (2 or 3) may use the name without version and it's not consistent across OSes.

  • Linux: ´sudo python -m pip install --upgrade pip virtualenv setuptools wheel´
  • Windows: ´py -2 -m pip install --upgrade pip virtualenv setuptools wheel´

Configuring Git

If using CLI (not some GUI app):

git config --global core.autocrlf false
git config --global <username>
git config --global <email-address>

Installing Python 2 Virtualenv

Download and install Python 2 and Python 2 pip. Be careful with python and pip since either version (2 or 3) may use the name without version and it's not consistent across OSes.

  • Linux: ´sudo pip install --upgrade pip virtualenv setuptools wheel´
  • Windows: ´py -2 -m pip install --upgrade pip virtualenv setuptools wheel´

Installing GNU gettext

Required for compiling translations.

  • Linux: ´sudo apt install gettext´

(Optional) Installing and Configuring Docker

Install both Docker and Docker Compose (combined app on Windows). On Linux, add yourself to the docker group and then log out and in. This allows you to run Docker commands as non-root (don't do this on servers).

(Optional) Installing Travis Tool

Optional, used for encrypting Travis CI secrets and files and stuff.

sudo apt install ruby-dev rubygems
sudo gem install travis

Alternatively, on Windows, use the GitHub for Windows app to setup everything

Run with Virtualenv

This method uses Virtualenv and does not require Docker. Run manage/venv/ (to setup the virtual environment, add the temporary settings file, migrate the Django DB, add an admin user, etc.). The username and password of the added admin user is "batman" and "manbat". The DB file and log files are located in .local/venv/. The local settings file is located at studlan/settings/


Most of these use venv and therefore require manage/venv/ to be run first (once).

  • Cleanup some unimportant local files (Python caches, logs, ...): manage/venv/
  • Cleanup all local files (DB, config, Python caches, logs, ...): manage/venv/
  • Run linter (check source formatting): manage/venv/
  • Run tests: manage/venv/
  • Run some checks (like the linter, tests, some validation): manage/
  • Make migrations (after model changes): manage/venv/
  • Make translations (updates locale/nb/django.po): manage/venv/

Upgrading Dependencies

  • This project uses pip-tools with all-dep pinning.
  • Run manage/venv/ to update dependencies.
  • Go through all dep updates (as shown in by the script or git diff), read the changelogs for the changes, and make sure they don't mess things up.

Making Changes

  • If you're committing code changes, run manage/venv/ first to make sure the formatting is correct and that tests still pass.
  • If you're adding/changing/fixing features, add it to the changelog.

Run with Docker (tiny)

This method is pretty much a Docker shim for the Virtualenv method, providing much of the same scripts. Supports hot-reloading. Use this if Python 2 or Virtualenv isn't an option.

  • Setup: manage/docker-tiny/
  • Run dev server: manage/docker-tiny/
  • See the Virtualenv section, this method has clones of most tools from there.

Run with Docker (full)

This method is more self-contained and production-like. Don't use it if you don't need to, it's generally not practical during development, use the tiny Docker method instead.

  • Setup: manage/docker-full/ (first time or after project change)
  • Run server: manage/docker-full/run-{prod,dev}.sh