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File metadata and controls

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The back-end API is powered by the Deno runtime for TypeScript. The database management system is provided by PostgreSQL.

Environment Variables

Name Description Required Default
PORT Network port to bind to when listening for new connections.
GOOGLE_ID Client ID obtained from the Google Cloud Console.
GOOGLE_SECRET Client secret obtained from the Google Cloud Console.
OAUTH_REDIRECT OAuth 2.0 redirect URI set from the Google Cloud Console.
HOSTED_GSUITE_DOMAIN Specifically allowed GSuite organization domain.
PG_HOSTNAME IP host name of the PostgreSQL instance.
PG_PORT Port number of the PostgreSQL instance. 5432
PG_USER Provided username when logging into PostgreSQL. postgres
PG_PASSWORD Provided password when logging into PostgreSQL.
PG_DATABASE Default database in the PostgreSQL instance. doctrack
PG_POOL Maximum number of pooled connections reserved by the PostgreSQL client. 4
VAPID_PUB_KEY VAPID public key which will be used to interact with the Web Push API.
VAPID_PRV_KEY VAPID private key which will be used to subscribe to the Web Push API.
VAPID_EMAIL VAPID email which will be used to inform the sender if the push service failed to send notifications.

Running the Application

To start the PostgreSQL instance, run the following setup script.

# Initialize the database at the `data` folder (see `-D` flag).
# The root user will be named `postgres` (see `-U` flag).
# User will be prompted to set a new password (see `-W` flag).
deno task init

# Start the PostgreSQL database server.
deno task db

In a separate terminal, run the following script to start the Deno server proper.

# Set up the database template.
deno task template

# Clone the previous template into a new database named `doctrack`. We may re-run
# this command whenever # we want to restore to a blank state of the database so
# that we don't have to keep re-initializing the database.
deno task create

# We must then initialize the root superuser. Note that this step will prompt you
# for your unique Google User ID. If you do not know your ID yet, feel free to
# provide a dummy value for now, then login to DocTrack, check the server logs for
# your Google ID, and finally reinitialize the database with the correct value.
deno task bootstrap

# If you have not yet run this command before, place the
# public and private keys into the `VAPID_PUB_KEY` and the
# `VAPID_PRV_KEY` environment variables, respectively.
deno task vapid

# Set up (example) environment variables.

# Starts the server at ``.
deno task start