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56 lines (43 loc) · 3.39 KB

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56 lines (43 loc) · 3.39 KB
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Primes Table:

Developped by ROYER-ADNOT Remy a Friday night!

How to run:

run 'node primes 3' to run the application with "3" as an input. or call 'PrimesTable.init(3)' from JavaScript.

Run grunt check for running jshint. Run grunt test for running jasmine tests. Run grunt for running both.

What I'm pleased with:

I took care of optimizing "IsPrime" algorithm. The methods "IsPrime", "buildPrimeList", and "drawMultiplicationTable" are reusable and accessible. All methods are well unit-tested.

What I would do if I had more time:

An Angular Single Page Application serving a Web Interface to display the primes numbers table as an HTML table. Web Responsive Design to display all sized table on every device resolution (with eventual scrolling).