diff --git a/lib/index.js b/lib/index.js index f395aded5a6..bf2777f8cad 100644 --- a/lib/index.js +++ b/lib/index.js @@ -205,7 +205,6 @@ Mongoose.prototype.setDriver = function setDriver(driver) { * - 'returnOriginal': If `false`, changes the default `returnOriginal` option to `findOneAndUpdate()`, `findByIdAndUpdate`, and `findOneAndReplace()` to false. This is equivalent to setting the `new` option to `true` for `findOneAndX()` calls by default. Read our [`findOneAndUpdate()` tutorial](/docs/tutorials/findoneandupdate.html) for more information. * - 'bufferCommands': enable/disable mongoose's buffering mechanism for all connections and models * - 'cloneSchemas': `false` by default. Set to `true` to `clone()` all schemas before compiling into a model. - * - 'debug': If `true`, prints the operations mongoose sends to MongoDB to the console. If a writable stream is passed, it will log to that stream, without colorization. If a callback function is passed, it will receive the collection name, the method name, then all arugments passed to the method. For example, if you wanted to replicate the default logging, you could output from the callback `Mongoose: ${collectionName}.${methodName}(${methodArgs.join(', ')})`. * - 'timestamps.createdAt.immutable': `true` by default. If `false`, it will change the `createdAt` field to be [`immutable: false`](https://mongoosejs.com/docs/api/schematype.html#schematype_SchemaType-immutable) which means you can update the `createdAt` * - 'maxTimeMS': If set, attaches [maxTimeMS](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/meta/maxTimeMS/) to every query * - 'objectIdGetter': `true` by default. Mongoose adds a getter to MongoDB ObjectId's called `_id` that returns `this` for convenience with populate. Set this to false to remove the getter.