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Command Description Required state
cert-update (Re)generates local development SSL certificate.
ci Lints and runs tests.
create-schema Creates the schema named by DOCKER_DJANGO_SCHEMA.
completions-load Loads all project-specific shell completion. Must be sourced in the current shell. completions-regenerate should be run first.
completions-regenerate (Re)generates shell completion for manage's subcommands. django service running
completions-unload Unloads any project-specific shell completions. Must be sourced in the current shell.
db Forwarding alias for psql in the database docker container.
install Installs the project from a newly cloned state, or partially installed state.
logs Attaches to the django, celery, and beat services to view their logs.
manage Unwrapped version of Django's script. django service running
manual Forwarding alias for hugo in the manual docker container (which is in itself a convenience wrapper around hugo).
model-create Given a model name, creates and installs an app for that model. Takes an optional second argument for the app name - defaults to the model name converted to lower_snake_case and pluralised according to some English grammar rules.
start Starts all of the installed project's services.
stop Stops all the installed project's services.
uninstall Brings the installed project back to an initial-like state, while preserving configuration.

Other files

Path Description
completions/ Holds generated completions for commands in this directory.