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A Sphinx domain for describing GraphQL schemas.

Getting Started

The following steps will walk through how to add graphqldomain to an existing Sphinx project. For instructions on how to set up a Sphinx project, see Sphinx's documentation on Getting Started.


graphqldomain can be installed through pip:

pip install graphqldomain

Next, add graphqldomain to the extensions list in your Sphinx project's



Each directive accepts a small snippet of the original schema. For more detailed usage, see the documentation:

.. gql:schema::

   An example schema.

   :optype Query query:

   .. gql:directive:: @slow(super: Boolean = false) on FIELD_DEFINITION | ARGUMENT_DEFINITION

      Indicates that the usage of this field or argument is slow,
      and therefore queries with this field or argument should be made sparingly.

      :argument super: Whether usage will be super slow, or just a bit slow.

   .. gql:enum:: CharacterCase

      The casing of a character.

      .. gql:enum:value:: UPPER

         Upper case.

      .. gql:enum:value:: LOWER

         Lower case.

   .. gql:input:: Point2D

      A point in a 2D coordinate system.

      .. gql:input:field:: x: Float

         The ``x`` coordinate of the point.

      .. gql:input:field:: y: Float

         The ``y`` coordinate of the point.

   .. gql:interface:: NamedEntity

      An entity with a name.

      .. gql:interface:field:: name(lower: Boolean = false): String

         The name of the entity.

         :argument lower: Whether to lowercase the name or not.

   .. gql:type:: Person implements NamedEntity

      A human person.

      .. gql:type:field:: age: Int

         How old the person is in years.

      .. gql:type:field:: picture: Url

   .. gql:union:: Centre = Person | Point2D

      A possible centre of the universe.


Running the tests

Tests are executed through tox.


Code Style

Code is formatted using black.

You can check your formatting using black's check mode:

tox -e format

You can also get black to format your changes for you:

black tests/


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE.rst file for details.