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Content tabs


This document discusses content tabs, not navigation tabs.

Use of content tabs in the mkdocs-material theme relies on a markdown extension that isn't used in the world of Sphinx. Instead, the sphinx-immaterial theme provides its own directives to make use of content tabs.

Linked Tabs

The linked content tabs feature seen in mkdocs-material is not supported until that feature transitions from the mkdocs-material theme's insider releases to its public releases.

You can use other sphinx extensions (like sphinx-design tabs) to achieve this functionality. However, other extensions will require some custom CSS styling to match the mkdocs-material theme's styling for content tabs.

.. rst:directive:: md-tab-set

    Each set of tabs on a page must begin with a `md-tab-set` directive. This directive
    only accepts children that are `md-tab-item` directives.

    .. rst:directive:option:: class
        :type: string

        A space delimited list of qualified names that get used as the HTMl element's
        ``class`` attribute.

    .. rst:directive:option:: name
        :type: string

        A qualified name that get used as the HTML element's ``id`` attribute.

        Use the `ref` role to reference the element by name.

    This directive supports ``:class:`` and ``:name:`` options to use custom CSS classes
    and reference links (respectively).

    .. code-block:: rst

        .. md-tab-set::
            :class: custom-tab-set-style
            :name: ref_this_tab_set

            .. md-tab-item:: Local Ref

                A reference to this tab set renders like so:
                `tab set description <ref_this_tab_set>`.

                This syntax can only be used on the same page as the tab set.

            .. md-tab-item:: Cross-page Ref

                To cross-reference this tab set from a different page, use
                :ref:`tab set description <ref_this_tab_set>`

                Clearly, this also works on the same page.

            .. md-tab-item:: Custom CSS

                .. literalinclude:: _static/extra_css.css
                    :language: css
                    :start-at: /* ************************ custom-tab-set-style
                    :end-before: /* *********************** custom-tab-item-style

    .. md-tab-set::
        :class: custom-tab-set-style
        :name: ref_this_tab_set

        .. md-tab-item:: Local Ref

            A reference to this tab set renders like so:
            `tab set description <ref_this_tab_set>`.

            This syntax can only be used on the same page as the tab set.

        .. md-tab-item:: Cross-page Ref

            To cross-reference this tab set from a different page, use
            :ref:`tab set description <ref_this_tab_set>`

            Clearly, this also works on the same page as the tab set.

        .. md-tab-item:: Custom CSS

            .. literalinclude:: _static/extra_css.css
                :language: css
                :start-at: /* ************************ custom-tab-set-style
                :end-before: /* *********************** custom-tab-item-style

.. rst:directive:: md-tab-item

    This directive is used to create a tab within a set of content tabs. It requires a
    label as it's argument.

    .. rst:directive:option:: class
        :type: string

        A space delimited list of qualified names that get used as the HTMl element's
        ``class`` attribute.

        Use the ``:class:`` option to optionally provide custom CSS classes to the tab's content
        (not the tab's label).

        .. code-block:: rst

            .. md-tab-set::

                .. md-tab-item:: Customized content
                    :class: custom-tab-item-style

                    This content could be styled differently from other page content.

                .. md-tab-item:: Custom CSS

                    .. literalinclude:: _static/extra_css.css
                        :language: css
                        :start-at: /* *********************** custom-tab-item-style
                        :end-before: /* ************************* inline icon stuff

        .. md-tab-set::

            .. md-tab-item:: Customized content
                :class: custom-tab-item-style

                This content could be styled differently from other page content.

            .. md-tab-item:: Custom CSS

                .. literalinclude:: _static/extra_css.css
                    :language: css
                    :start-at: /* *********************** custom-tab-item-style
                    :end-before: /* ************************* inline icon stuff

Typical examples are seen in this documentations' Custom admonitions and :ref:`Version Information Structure <version_info_example>` sections.